Chapter 1

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Where do people go after they die? This is a question that Xia Ze has never thought about before.

He still remembers the quarrel with Xia Yuan at the end, the sudden revelation of the past of his mother's death, Xia Yuan's painful and sad eyes, his shock and bewilderment, all emotions gathered together, he only had one thought, leave there, leave Xia Yuan's side.

I don't know who made the first move. In the chaos, he seemed to knock Xia Yuan to the ground, and escaped from the hiding place in a hurry. torrential rain On his body, he didn't feel the cold at all. He just spotted a target and stumbled towards Chi's house.

The moment the dazzling headlights shone over, he was in a trance for a moment, almost instinctively, he raised his hand to cover his eyes, and at the same time, he also blocked the The car that rushed over. The next moment, his body flew high, drew an arc in the rain, and fell heavily on the ground filled with blood.

At the last moment when his consciousness disappeared, what flashed through his mind was the three words Chi Yiheng that penetrated into the marrow of his bones.

After the memory was over, Xia Ze closed his eyes and opened them again. What appeared in front of him was an environment he was very familiar with, Chi Yiheng's apartment located in Fenghuang District, Haicheng, which was also the home of Xia Ze and Chi Yiheng. The two have lived here for more than a year, and it is very convenient whether they go to his school or Chi Yiheng's company. Xia Ze once joked whether Chi Yiheng had foreseen that the two would be together, so he chose this place when he bought an apartment after returning to China.

How did Chi Yiheng answer back then? Xia Ze tilted his head, trying to recall the scene at that time.

Footsteps stopped at the door, interrupting Xia Ze's memory. He quickly guessed that Chi Yiheng was back. This time is exactly the time when Chi Yiheng gets off work, As long as the company is fine, Chi Yiheng will come back to accompany him on time every day.

The security door opened, and Chi Yiheng walked in with a smile.


Xia Ze showed a big smile and took the initiative to greet him.


"Are you obedient today?" Chi Yiheng put down the key in his hand and asked gently.

Xia Ze nodded quickly.

The smile on Chi Yiheng's face became even more gentle, he raised his hand to rub Xia Ze's head, then took off his coat, and walked towards the kitchen while rolling up his shirt sleeves.

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

Xia Ze followed Chi Yiheng closely, hesitating in his heart, should he eat Yangzhou fried rice or curry rice? Before Xia Ze could make a choice, Chi Yiheng seemed to have already made a decision, and said to himself: "Ozawa likes curry rice the most, let's make curry rice today."

Although Xia Ze felt that he wanted to eat Yangzhou fried rice more today, but the curry rice is also very good, so let's eat Yangzhou fried rice tomorrow. Xia Ze took a step forward while thinking Hugging Chi Yiheng from behind, this is Chi Yiheng's favorite action when cooking. Every time at this time, Chi Yiheng would smile and turn around to give him a kiss, and said in a pretendingly stern tone: "Don't make trouble, be careful not to burn you."

Xia Ze raised his head and waited for Chi Yiheng to turn around and kiss as usual, but Chi Yiheng did not respond after waiting for a long time. He sighed in disappointment, let go of his hands angrily, and sat back at the dining table by himself. After a while, the aroma of food wafted over, and Xia Ze's mood immediately improved again. When Chi Yiheng walked over with two plates of curry rice that looked appetizing, Xia Ze's mood became even better. Chi Yiheng sat opposite Xia Ze, and pushed a plate of curry rice in front of Xia Ze.

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