A Ray of Fucking Sunshine

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Mad doesn't even begin to describe how you're feeling right now.

"You can't do this to me."

Your brother—your twin—the one person you've always been able to count on, seems to be out to ruin your life.

"Kitty," Namjoon sighs your childhood nickname with a mild hint of annoyance. "Stop being dramatic. You know this isn't about you at all."

Your nose scrunches up. "Dramatic? Joonie, you're literally asking me to spend the next month proverbially attached to the one person you know I hate."

"Hate is a strong word," he scoffs, rolling his eyes.

It is. But it's the only one that comes to mind when you think of Jung Hoseok and how you feel about him. It's not that there's anything genuinely wrong with him—not really. There are just things—certain events and certain feelings—that you associate with him that you'd rather not think about right now.

You've known him for a long time, as he's your brother's best friend. A sentiment that makes you sneer and grumble to think about. It still leaves you baffled how Namjoon—the sensible and calm giant he is—befriended such a quirky and persistent person; how Namjoon could continue to choose him even now. They say opposites attract, sure. But, come on, how much more polarizing can two people get before it becomes something from the Twilight Zone?

When Hoseok moved away a few years ago, you thought you'd finally get a break from his constant presence and that niggling in the back of your mind as your emotions and feelings warred with one another. But you've never been more wrong. If anything, the distance between Namjoon and his best friend caused them to become clingy and desperate for each other's company.

Every other weekend, Namjoon leaves your shared apartment to drive the four hours south to see Hoseok. Which means, on the weekends he doesn't drive down...Hoseok drives up. It's infuriating to share your space with him because, obviously, Namjoon isn't going to force him to stay somewhere else, even though you're sure that Hoseok's parents would be more than accommodating for their son to stay with them.

Now, as if the weekends weren't torture enough, Namjoon is asking you to spend the next month in near-constant communication with his best friend. Sure, it's to help plan Namjoon's wedding, but still. There has to be another way.

Your stomach churns sourly with the thought of spending so much time with Hoseok. "I can't do this, Namjoon. Why does there need to be two of us?"

He sighs, shaking his head. "You're acting like a petulant child right now."

You want to defend yourself, but you know he's right. You are acting like a petulant child right now. But what else did he expect, honestly? It's not like you can tell him the truth about why you would rather not spend time with his best friend.

"He's going to drive me insane. Don't you care about my sanity?" You cross your arms over your chest, glaring at him across the living room.

The apartment you share with Namjoon is nice, with plenty of space for the two of you to not get under each other's skin too much–as long as a particular jerk isn't also infiltrating the space. But, right now, it feels like the walls are closing in on you.

"Look, I know you guys don't get along, but this is for me. You're my best friend, but so is he. I want you both to be there, standing beside me when I join together with Jin. Don't let your bizarre dislike for Hoseok ruin this for Jin."

The fact he's bringing Jin into this takes the wind out of your sails. "Fuck. Why did you have to bring Jin up? You know I can't resist when you do."

If Jung Hoseok is the dark cloud hanging over you and Namjoon, Kim Seokjin is the sun breaking through the haze. You liked him instantly, knowing he was the perfect match for your brother. Five years later, they're finally getting married, and that's how you find yourself in your current predicament.

The Stars In His Eyes...The Hate In Your Heart | JHSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang