Nothing is What it Seems

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"where are you going! Andy I'm talking to you, come back here and do the shit I told you to do!" my mum yelled I'm sick of her treating me like a slave. "listen miss 'I hate my life, I hate my mum, I can't do crap' UGH you're so useless" I was getting sick of my mothers so I finally responded even louder than her "REALLY WHO DO U THINK I AM BECAUSE I AM SURE AS HELL NOT YOUR SLAVE!! FOR 14 YEARS YOU'VE TREATED ME LIKE THIS, LITERALY SENCE I COULD WALK ONLY BECAUSE YOU NEVER LEARNED HOW TO TREAT A CHILD!" I was shocked at the words that came out of my mouth but it was to late to take it back. "DON'T TAKE THAT TO-" I interrupted her before she could finish. "WHY SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOU, I'VE BASICLY BEEN THE PERFECT CHILD JUST SO U COULD COMPLAIN!" I was yelling so loud, I wouldn't be surprise if the neighbors called the police. "listen you little shit if you think its tuff here then go. Nobody needs you. you're to stupid and useless to do any thing around here anyway. I ran to my room, slammed the door packed some clothes grabbed the 1,650 I was saving up for this exact moment, waited till my mum fell asleep at around midnight and crawled out the window. "finally free from this hell hole!" I thought to myself.

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