Lumity Wedding

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A car pulled up to the Noceda house, and out of it stepped three twenty-four-year-old women, three anthropomorphic frogs(two of them being 21-year-olds and one being a bit younger), and a pink frog robot. These individuals were Anne Boonchuy, Marcy Wu, Sasha Waybright, Spring Planter, Ivy Sundew, Polly Planter, and Frobo. Anne spoke, "We're here. You all ready?"

The others nodded, with Polly then saying, "While you all handle the frilly stuff here," she pointed to herself and Frobo, "me and Frobos will be heading to the Demon Realm to do something fun. Helping Raine set up the musical entertainment."

Frobo smiled, as sound speakers popped out of his shoulders. After that, the duo ran off toward the forest. Anne simply said, "Well, alright then."

The rest of them walked up to the front door and knocked. When the door opened, they were greeted by Vee and Masha, with the former saying, "Hey, guys. Glad you could make it."

Marcy beamed, "We wouldn't miss it."

Masha then said, "Well, you're timing couldn't have been better. Luz could use the extra help right now."

Sprig bounced into the house, "Well then, let's hop to it."

As the group walked upstairs to Luz and Vee's old room, Sasha said, "Let me guess, she's letting the stress get to her and she's freaking out, even though she should know full well today is going to be great regardless."

The group made it to the room, to see Luz doing just that. She was freaking out, biting her nails, while sitting in a chair, as her mother, Camila, calmly, brushed her hair. While at the same time, Eda and King were putting the finishing touches on Luz's tux/dress combo. Eda was working on the cuffs of the upper tux part, while King was finishing stitching a jewel and flower pattern on the bottom of the dress part. Sasha wore a smug smile, so both her girlfriends playful punched her arm, with Anne saying, "Alright, Waybright, don't rub you're physic degree in her face too much now."

Ivy then said, "We should probably help with this before it gets worse."

Luz began to frantically shout her worries, "What if something attacks the reception? What if the guest can't make it? What if Amity doesn't think I look good? I am freaking out here, Mom!"

Camila just gently patted Luz's head and said, "Mija, it will be okay. No matter what, you and Amity are going to be very happy today."

Eda added, "Besides, I'm sure Boots is just as, if not more, worried as you that things go right today. But even if they don't you'll both be with the one love, as well as all those who love and support you two." She gave a small laugh, "And some people I bribed to come because Ii think they'd give cool gifts."

King then pointed to those at the door, "And speaking of those who love and support you, we've got some reinforcements."

Turning her head, Luz finally noticed who had arrived, "Guys, you made it!" She rushed over and gave the newcomers a group hug.

Anne smiled and said, "Of course, we wouldn't miss it."

Sasha added, "Besides, you helped us rebuild a portal to Amphibia. So the least we could do is help you on your wedding day."

Marcy jumped in, with glee in her eyes and her notebook out, "Plus, see you're wedding could give us some good ideas for our eventual wedding one day."

Both Anne and Sasha blushed at this, while Sprig and Ivy laughed, as the former said, "Classic Marcy."

While this was going on, over in the Demon Realm at Blight Mannor, Amity was in her old room pacing around frantically, as she ran her hands through her hair. She was saying with great panic, "What if I say the wrong thing? What if I choose the wrong nail polish? What if I say something stupid?"

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