Chapter 1

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I see it every godamn time I close my eyes just as vivid and detailed as the last.

The map slipping out of Mika's young hands. We all looked back and there he was draining the life from young Ako.

His vicious red eyes staring as he stalled around us. Myself trembling with fear as I tried to protect them. I remember telling them to run yuu shooting the gun as I ushered them all towards the exit. Running between all of the kids he cut down Chihiro. Kota. Fumie. Taichi. He stopped right in front of Akane. He stared right into her eyes. His face twisting with enjoyment as she shook with fear. The pain in yuu's face as he screamed to her. He killed her no effort no nothing just joy. I was next. He pulled me up by my hair to his level. I struggled and I screamed. Then he sunk his fangs into my neck. I screamed loud. It hurt so much I felt him draining my life away slowly.  Him dropping me to defend himself. His hand going through Mika's small body. I watched as Mika raised the gun to the vampires head as my vision was blurry. He then cut of Mika's arm. The gun flying away. Mika telling us to run. I tried to get up but my legs gave out on me. I then saw Yuichiro run up and shoot the vampire. I heard Yu tell him to die as he shot it. Mika falling next to me.

Yu tried to drag Mika to the exit.
"Go Yu." Mika spoke weakly
Yu and Mika had an argument Mika getting the final say.
"Run take kimiko with you" Mika spoke
In that moment every single time I notice blood on my uniform. Taichi I remember trying to shake him awake after he was attacked.
Yu then helped me up and slung my arm over his shoulder. Walking is away I looked at my family or what was left of it. Yu trying to run with me I fell over once and then he helped me back up. My bare feet touched the cold snow we were running in the snow. The fresh air.  I would have been joyed if I had learned what this fresh air cost. Yu then let out a scream, running faster then ever causing the both of us to fall and tumble down the hill. Yu helped me up as he looked at the city.

"Good, they're here just like the prophecy said nine kids from the Hyakuya laboratory but there is only two." said a voice from behind us. Me and Yu looked behind us. I stood Infront of him protectively no matter how close I was to passing out.

"Who are you?!"I snapped. "Don't come any closer!"I yelled as he continued confidently.  "I'll kill you!"I warned as he stopped Infront of us.

He looked us up and down realising that the others hadn't made it. He removed his hood.
"We are going to use you two in order to get rid of the vampires."the man said

I heard Yu start to cry and he ran into the man's arms knocking them both down.

"Y-Yu." I yelled worriedly.

"Its okay I won't hurt either of you." The man said calmly

I heard Yu mumble something to the man.

My vision got hazy and my head foggy and I then fell to the ground.


I let out a scream waking up. I sat up quickly grabbing my neck. Trying to catch my breath. Two scars in my neck.

"Bad dream?" A voice asked me. I realised where I was. I was in gurens office. He had told me to take a nap and this is where I ended up.

"Y-yea."I muttered rubbing my neck. "Thank you lieutenant colonel"I said as I sat up properly letting out a huff of air.

"Y'know how Yu was stuck at school?" Guren asked me


"Well today he made a friend and pretty much he's joining the army."

"Ohhhh that's so good I'm happy for him"

Then I looked at the time I glanced over to gurens desk noticing he had no food. I quickly rushed to the vending machine getting him some instant Raman and walking back to his office. I then filled up the Raman cup with water then putting it in the microwave avoiding the kettle purposely.

I felt gurens eyes watching me the entire time.

I learnt against the counter as I waited. The oven beeped and I grabbed a teatowel taking the Raman cup over to him. Handing him a pair of chopsticks. Grabbing myself a small chocolate and getting Guren a can of Coca cola. I sat at the seat Infront of his desk placing down the cola next to his Raman.

"Eat."I said.

"I'm not hungry I have work to do." he mumbled leaning back in his chair.

"I don't see it on your desk so eat." I said more firmly.

"Nooo"he whined

"Guren."I said

"Let me strike you a deal then."

"No Guren when did you eat last?"

"Maybe yesterday morning?"he said uncertainty clear.

"Guren please."

"Let me strike you a deal" he said firmly.

"Fine."I huffed.

"I eat and you tell me why you wear bandages over your hands and up to your elbow on your left arm."he said calmly.

My heart dropped. Eyes going wide.

"I don't think I wan-"

He came around the desk and grabbed my hands making me blush slightly. He took off my gloves that I wore when in the office areas. Then revealing my fingers and hands covered in bandages.

I bit my lip.

"Kimiko please"he said squeezing my small hands while standing up.

"I-i it was before I joined the orphanage. I was only 10 at the time. My dad was a drunk. An abusive drunk. he always beat into me and my mum. But he'd stop with mum. Not with me either way one afternoon he had beat me up pretty bad because told one of my teachers about how he beat me all the time. In the end he sent me out to go get him beer I took my time not wanting to go back for him to just do it again. When I got back I placed the beer on the counter. Then I heard my little brother Tei crying. So I rushed to him when I opened the door my nostrils were fill with petrol. The petrol can next to tei in the crib. He was soaked in petrol. God I wish I was faster back then. I froze at the sight then I realised my mum dropped a lit match into the crib. Tei's screams louder then before as he started to burn. I ran as fast as I could the blanket in the crib burning. I struggled to pick him up. Eventually I got him I then ran to the hospital seem it was only around the corner Tei stopped crying as I got in the hospital I called out for help and they took us and took Tei into another room. They told me I ended up with third degree burns."I said tears were falling down my cheeks as I hid in my snow white hair.

"And Tei?"Guren asked softly.

"They then came in later when I wasn't in pain. They told me Tei died a few minutes after I walked in the door."

"Your mum?"he asked kneeling down to look at me.

"She barely got any time for what she had done only 6 months for some fucking reason.  Dad only beat me worse then before. But 16 weeks after she got home in my sleep her and my dad boiled the kettles and poured the boiling water on me while I was asleep. That's when they moved me to the orphanage. Now I have burns on my hands and fingers on my left arm up to my elbow. Then I have burns all over my back."

"I'm I'm sorry."Guren said wiping my tears with his hand.

"It's okay now. Eat your fucking food." I said firmly

"Okay okay I will I will"he said putting up his hands in surrender.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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