Fish inside a birdcage 1

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AN: hello this is my first time writing a book so my writing won't be the best but I try also spelling errors are possible sorry for that. The picture above is Logan I am gonna leave you to it now. Enjoy reading!

"Logan?" I groan as I see light coming into my room. "What's wrong Giri?" I ask my brother as I blink a few times trying to adjust to the bright morning sun.

"Mom says you need to wake up, we're going to visit your new school in about a hour so get ready." I groaned again extra loud this time just to show my annoyance. "C'mon it won't be that bad you will be able to see your brother more so that's a plus point right?"

I got up and stretched out "I suppose so, I just really don't want to leave my other school things were finally starting to look up for me"

I walk to my closet and grab some nice black jeans and a plain blue T-shirt with it and take off my shirt

"Can I have a little privacy here? I know you're my brother and all but you really don't have to watch me change." He sighed "alright, alright I'll leave." He turned around and walked out of my room closing the door behind him.

I changed my clothing and walked out of my room putting some bread in the toaster.

I hear my father walk into the room as I take my bread out of the toaster "Good morning Logan are you exited for your new school yet?"
I glare at him from across the room. "Alright then don't talk it won't change anything about you going there though."

I grab a plate and butter my toast "Why do I have to go to a public school full of imbeciles? I was doing just fine on my private one." I sit by the table across from my father and eat my toast

"You were not doing just fine there you had no friends at all and barely communicated with anyone. Going to a public school might help you make some friends." He drank the last sip of his coffee "I just want you to be happy Logan, please promise me you will at least try."

I hear my mother entering the room. This conversation is over for now but will certainly return very soon.

"Is he sulking about school again?" Asks my mother as soon she sat down

"Ofcourse he is, what else has he been bothering us about this whole summer vacation." Sure just keep talking like I am not here

"Do you have everything packed yet?" Asks my mother "Yes I do." I put my plate in the dish washer and grab a glass of cold water "is your medication packed too?"

I take a big sip as my brother enters the room "Yes I do" no I don't "also gonna ask if I got my underwear packed or is that gonna be a bit too much?"

My mother glares at me "shut your big mouth young man I am your mother not your friend." Typical her, can't even handle a bit of sarcasm.

"What time is it?" My brother looks at his watch "6:57 we need to go in a few minutes so go grab your stuff and put on your shoes, hurry up."

Gosh I wish I didn't ask now I have to hurry. I jog upstairs before people start to complain about how slow I am.

I go inside my room, grab my stuff and just to be sure my pills and walk downstairs.

"Why are you walking so slow? We need to go hurry up!" I thought so. They can't just go one day without complaining how slow I am!

I put my shoes on grab my coat and go to the front yard towards the car.

"Hurry up will ya? We need to be there in a hour and it's already 6:59!" So much panic. I don't think the word will end if we're a few minutes late.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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