Jeff's Story

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You fell in love with the real, true me. You are the only one who knows me...

All alone she leaves home, thoughts racing through.

Reaching back trying to find the good, but darkness fills her mind.

She wants to believe - She wants her place - She wants her faith - But the devil is riding beside her. She can't look back.

Her other riding buddy is silent

Her sweet nightmare and a sweater for her final resting place and time

She didn't get on this road by herself. How could they not know all that pain couldn't be contained?

How could they live with the pain their caused her? They're all here now, one by one taking their place racing through her mind.

Do you know her?

You thought you did. You swore you knew.

How could you?

She was never real. She was whoever you needed her to be.

She is a wife. A mother A counselor.

And sick in the head

She wears many masks to hide the million broken pieces.

She's whoever you need her to be.

She's beautiful with a smile so bright and a personality as Crazy Beautiful as the moonlight.

Tonight she's broken in flight

"God," she whispers, "where are You??"

The devils beside her; God left so far behind.

This will be my sweet nothingness. This will be my surrender

Darkness and silence will abound

Gasping for breath, she knows what she heard - A near miss and then

"I never left your side."


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