first kiss

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''MURDOC WAKE UP'' I heard my father yell I rolled my eyes and got up ''fuck a new school..'' I thought while I changed once I was done I ran down stairs and ran outside to my car b4 my father could hit me...or worse..

(time skip to lunch) 

I was sitting alone thinking to myself and then the prettiest young man walks up smile "hello! I'm stuart! c..c..can I sit with you?" I nodded he sits in front of me I stared at him not knowing what to say " u..uh i...uh..." "oh, uh im murdoc." "u..ur like really handsome w..why are s...sitting alone..?" I felt my cheeks turn red.. 'why am blushing...' "o-o-oh s-sorry d-d-did say s-something w-wrong...?" "n-no..." "good!" he smiled and started eating, then this girl walked over "hey~ ur a hot guy..~" I js stared at her and blinked 2 times before responding "me.?" "yea ofc u!" "fuck off paula!" "h-he is already t-taken!!" "oh~ mhm and by who.." He gave me a 'go along with it' look "" "oh.." she turned around and walked off and i felt my cheeks turn a huge rose red "s-sorry s-shes a p-player.." "oh its ok.. i uh i guess i dont mind? Im gay anyways.." "oh! Im thinking about it." "s-sorry t-tho.." "no no its ok luv." He got the biggest smile and got up from his seat and hugged me I never been hugged b4 "o-oh sorry" "no its ok! ur cute" He blushed and looked away then the bell rang its gonna be a long day...

***2 months later*** (bc im lazy)

(stuarts pov)

"I AM NOT GAY." "YES U ARE U BLUSHED WHEN HE CALLED U LUV!" "FINE IM BI..." "I KNOW" i saw him he was coming over here "EEEK""I TOLD U" "hi.." He was bleeding I ran over and got to his eye level "awh love what happened?" "HOMO" "SHUT THE FUCK UP NOODLE. sorry about her, what happened?" "oh- paula and ace and randy beat me up.." "..." I kissed his lips I didn't mean too- but I did He seemed shocked and then kissed me back "thats GAY" I pulled away I felt my cheeks getting red and then said "i- uh..." "s-s-sorry.." "no its ok i l-liked it.." He smiled and I hugged him "I'll be back.." He nodded and smiled and walked off to paula, ace, and randy. I punched randy and he fell on his ass Im known for the quiet gay weirdo, but idk I loved him... "TF STU!" "OH U SHUT THE FUCK UP" I punched ace down and pushed paula all looked at me as i walked away. When I made it back to mudz paula was about to kiss him and mudz kept asking her to stop and pulled her away and mudzs cuddled into me tellng me he was sorry "why do u care u say ur boyfriends. but u never fucking act like it." I turned to him and he wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me I blushed and held him by his waist and kissed him back "EWWW" She walked away pissed off. We kissed for a whole min. and pulled away Im still holding him "would u maybe wanna be my offical boyfriend..??" He smiled and nodded.


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