Bad dream

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Could be read as married or Dating.


Cold is the first thing Cody thought when he turned to his side, where the love of his life would usually be, sleeping.

This confused him as he started to be a lot more aware of his surroundings.

Yet, his honey, was nowhere to be found.

In their shared room, of course.

Cody would be lying, if he said he wasn't even a tad bit worried.

He honestly thought about getting out of bed and look for her but the idea of her getting up to use the bathroom,

stumbling into his train of thought.

So he hesitated.

But The sheets next to him were really cold, so it seemed like she was gonna for a while..

there for, it could not be a quick and sudden wake up call to use the bathroom.

Cody sighed as he got out of bed and put on his blue robe, quietly exiting their room.

On a quest to find his beloved!

..But first, he needs to go see if the back door is open because it was freezing in the hallway as soon as he stepped out of their bedroom.

Cody slightly shivered even though he had a robe, as he made his way towards the back door, the air was even colder as he got closer.

Which he was confused about, because he remembers he doubted checked he locked the back door before heading to bed.

When he got close enough, something clicked inside his brain, he realised why the door must be opened!

Barbara must be out there!

So Cody immediately rushed to the back door, and quietly looked around, seeing if his love is actually out there, in the cold.

And sure enough, she was.

and with her purple robe on, she was sitting on a step, hugging her torso, her hair being pulled by the wind.

She was looking up, presumably to the sky, but it was the middle of the night so the stars were out.

It was pretty clear, but Cody didn't want to startle his honey so he carefully walked over to her.

Cody took off his robe and gently draped it over her shoulders to give her some more warmth.

The woman in question jumped from the surprise, turning her head around and looking up at Cody with wide eyes.

so much for not wanting to startling her..

"Oh.. hi Cody. What are you doing here?"
Her voice sounded a little dry, probably from staying outside for too long.

she cleared her throat awkwardly as she finished what she said.

"Well... I just, woke up and you weren't.. there.., at first I thought you were in the bathroom but your side of the bed felt like you been gone for a while.. so I came to look for you and I, found you here." He explained softly but concerned.

Barbara gave him a small smile.

"That's really sweet, that you came looking for me," she whispered.

"Thanks.." she smiled.

"Anytime darling. Now do you wanna tell me why your out here? or should I try to guess?" Cody suggested and Barbara smiled shifted, she shook her head.

Cody frowned slightly, "why don't we take this inside?" He said gently, holding his hand out for her to grab.

She looked down at the offered hand, then back at him, smiling slightly.

"Of course," she said softly and they walked into their home together, hand in hand.

Barbara closed the door behind them as they went inside, and Cody led her to their room.

"Here, You take my side of the bed and I'll take yours." Cody told her quietly.

"Coddles.. no... I've been gone for a while, my side is probably freezing..." Barbara said concerned for her partner.

"that's why I'm offering my side of the bed to you, Honey." Cody told her, clearly not going budge an inch anytime soon.

Barbara sighed and nodded, "..okay if it's alright with you."

"Of course," Cody kissed her forehead before heading towards Barbara's side of the bed and Barbara went to Cody's side.

After they both had settled in and were comfortable, Barbara leaned over and kissed Cody, softly.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting~" She said and Cody smiled at her.

"It's okay, but do you want to tell me why you were outside for so long...?" Cody questioned her gently.

Barbara looked away, "nothing.. I just had a dream...?"

"I'm guessing it wasn't a good one, seeing as you had to go outside.. for it." Cody commented, frowning.

"I guess...?" Barbara questioned not even sure if her dream was that bad.

"Well... why don't you tell me about it?"

Cody suggested, leaning against the headboard of his wife's side of the bed, Barbara did the Same.

She hummed in acknowledgement,

thinking about how to explain her dream, she had a few minutes ago to her beloved.

"...Well, I had this dream that, we broke up again because we were doing a long distance relationship.. and it just got me thinking about why we broke up, in the first place." Barbara said slowly and Cody listened.

Barbara was quiet for a while before continuing to talk, "I mean, what if one of us has to go far away to a different country just for a work thing... and the other is at home, while the other is too busy in a different country to pay attention to the other and our relationship sort of ends, again..."

Cody was caught off guard, "Is that why you were outside?"

Barbara stayed silent.

Cody frowned again before taking Barbara's hands into his.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry that you had such a bad dream but we will work that out, alright? I promise you, we will make a long distance relationship actually work this time around, once one of us has to travel to another country just for work, of course." Cody said with a lot of confidently but sweet as well.

Barbara smiled slightly but Cody could tell hearing what he just said didn't help her at all, which worried Cody,

"but babe, what if it comes true?" She asked worriedly.

"well..." Cody thought thoughtfully,

"We'll just have to trust in each other that it doesn't.." Cody said softly.

Barbara sighed, she was willing to take that answer because it was the middle of the night and she knew Cody has to get up really early in a few hours.

".. I guess your right...."

"Thanks Coddles~" Barbara whispered.

"of course, Honey~" Cody responded, kissing Barbara's temple gently and laying down flat on his back, Barbara did the same.

"You know I love you, right?" Cody whispered to her.

Barbara chuckled, "of course," she turned to her side to get a better look at him.

"I love you too." Barbara said sweetly, moving closer to Cody.

Cody gave her a warm smile, "Goodnight Sweetie." He said as he pulled her closer to him.

before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep, while she did too,

warm and Happy :).

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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