Chapter 1: Awakening Of Scale

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A Girl slowly emerged from deep sleep as the sun shone on her, her mind span with fragments of memories and dreams, blurring the lines between reality and dream. A thick mist gathering around her , concealing her surroundings and filling her senses with a surreal haze. That Girl was THE Goddess named ' Lumoria '.

In this haze, Lumoria's thoughts span in circle , as she struggled to grasp hold of her identity. She had been lost in a long slumber and forgotten who she was.As she rose from her resting place, the grass beneath her bare feet whispered forgotten adventures. A gentle breeze slipped through her silvery hair. She breathed in deeply, tasting the scents of blooming flowers and fresh rain.

With every step she took, the ground trembled beneath her, echoing the Power that live within her.As Lumoria continued her explorations, the world responded to her presence. Flowers bloomed in her wake.It was as if the world recognized Lumoria's presence and greeted her return.

The fragments of her forgotten memories drew to her soul,wanting to be pieced back together. Lumoria, the Goddess girl, walked onward, she was sure that she would discover her purpose, find the harmony of her true self and balance the world.

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