Prologue ~ Splitting into Two

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"Aren!" you called out while strutting through the gang's makeshift base. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" he asked while approaching you. His hair was stuck to his face and he was dripping with sweat. "Did something happen?—Are you okay?" you asked while caressing his face, he reeked with the scent of blood. You watched him shake his head but the holes and scratches on his jacket said otherwise. "Stop lying to me, come sit down." you demanded while shoving someone's junk off of a chair.

"Y/N, i'm fine." Aren said while wincing. "Clearly not, what were you doing?" you asked while pulling off his jacket and inspecting his wounds. "Stay here, i'll get the med-kit." you mumbled while rummaging through the single cabinet.
"Y/N..." Aren whispered as you crouched down to clean his wound. "You have to be careful, what would've happened if I wasn't here next time-" "There's not going to be a next time, I can't stay here anymore." he mumbled as you froze. "Where are you going?" you croaked. "I cant live like this anymore Y/N." Aren stammered. "Dont you dare fucking leave me here, who do you think you are to do that?" you sneered while grabbing onto his arm.

"You know... you'd be dead by now if it wasn't for me." you snapped as he yanked his arm away. "Please Y/N, i'm not going to leave you. I'm only going to desert the gang..." he mumbled as you stood up. "We're done anyways, I'm breaking up with you. Don't come back here," you instructed while pulling him out of the chair and shoving him towards the door. "Get your sorry-ass out of here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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