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Soon after the burning of Lord Chelsted, King's Landing was informed of the death of Rhaegar at the hands of Lord Robert Baratheon during the Battle of the Trident. Aerys evacuated Queen Rhaella, who was as yet unaware of her pregnancy,Prince Viserys and the Princess Vaella to Dragonstone along with the Red Keep's master-at-arms, Ser Willem Darry.

before the kings death, he made sure to hide Elia and her children, potentially sending them to dorne where they remained protected and hidden. This is just a rumor.

With the death of King Aerys and the suspected death of Rhaegars family, Rhaella crowned Viserys kind of the seven kingdoms, although the great houses recognized Robert Baratheon as the new lord of the seven kingdoms.

Rhaella spent the duration of her pregnancy on Dragonstone. Nine months after sailing from King's Landing, Rhaella gave birth to her second living daughter, whom she named Daenerys, while a raging summer storm threatened to rip the island fastness apart. Rhaella died shortly thereafter from complications of childbirth, leaving behind 3 children.

Stannis Baratheon was about to set sail with his new fleet for the assault on Dragonstone, and the garrison of Dragonstone was prepared to turn Viserys and his sisters over to him, but Ser Willem Darry and four loyal men smuggled the children to the Braavosian coast.

Viserys, Vaella and Daenerys lived under Ser Willem Darry's protection in a house with a red door in Braavos.While they lived in Braavos, Willem signed a secret marriage pact with Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne, with the Sealord of Braavos as a witness, agreeing that Viserys would take Princess Arianne Martell, daughter to Doran Martell, the Prince of Dorne, as his bride in exchange for Dorne supporting his claim for the throne. However, Viserys was never made aware of this pact,as he was an immature child when it was decided, and he was not ready for the information.Willem fell ill five years after fleeing from Dragonstone, however, and eventually died.

After Willem's death, the servants stole what little money the children had, leaving Viserys and his sisters impoverished. They were put out of the house in Braavos soon after.Viserys,Vaella and Daenerys began to wander the Free Cities as guests of powerful citizens. From Braavos, they went to Myr, next to Tyrosh, on to Qohor, Volantis, and Lys, never staying long at one location. Viserys was convinced they were being followed by the hired knives of the Usurper, King Robert I Baratheon. While originally they were welcomed into the homes of the powerful citizens of the Free Cities, their welcome eventually faded, and they were forced to sell off their last possessions to survive.Selling Rhaella's crown took the last joy had from Viserys, leaving only rage.Over time, men started calling him the Beggar King.At some point Viserys feasted the captains of the Golden Company, in hopes they might take up his cause and restore him to the throne of Westeros. They ate his food and heard his pleas, but only laughed at him.

While his relationship with his sister was initially warm, Viserys grew to resent Daenerys for the death of their mother during her birth, and began treating her abusively, both with cruel words. Vaella would do everything in her power to protect Daenerys from him, going as far as to call him a monster, despite how badly Vaella treated Viserys, he would always have a soft spot for her and never mistreat her. He would frequently warn Daenerys not to "wake the dragon" and incite his anger. Viserys taught Daenerys all he knew of Westeros history and the history of House Targaryen, teaching her to take pride in her family heritage,though sometimes abusively, Vaella was the only one who would never mistreat her. Daenerys always expected she and her sister would marry Viserys when Daenerys came of age, Viserys had often told her the line must be kept pure and that Targaryens did not mingle their blood with that of lesser men.

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