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Mafia Boss

"Oh god, Adriana. What did you get yourself into." His voice echoed, my vision blurry as they squinted. 

"Christian?" I mumbled.

"Shh, don't speak. She's losing a lot of blood we need to get her out of here now!" His head turned as he yelled out before looking back at me.

"Paramedics are coming now, they're 4 minutes out." That voice sounded familiar, it was so close yet so far. I couldn't feel Christian's touch. It was as if I had lost all the nerves in my body. 

My eyes began to feel heavy, slowly blinking as I felt like I was being lifted. I felt warm inside. Christian called out for me but I couldn't hear what he was saying. Then it all turned quiet, darkness surrounded me as I drifted off to sleep.

I truly hope you guys like this this book and please feel free to tell me any ways I can improve this story.

*These are the aesthetic of these character*

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