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This novel's characters and story are fictitious and owned by me. Actual states and cities inspired certain aspects, however, the setting and story originated from me and are owned by me. Thank you for checking out my work.
7:15 P. M, Desolate Road,
The roaring sounds of a motorcycle echoed throughout the middle of the evening. The beautiful shades of red and orange from the setting sun cast a heavenly light in front of the wasted property. Tall and expansive, pieces crumbled off the infrastructure in various parts, with broken windows and destroyed floors visible from the distance.

Vacant and hollow, another alarming feature that stood out was the layers of security tape and heavily reinforced doors at the entrance. The only revamped aspect of this abandoned facility.

The engine's roars grew closer as the wind picked up. Powerful gusts swept loads of dust into the air as a scarlet sports motorcycle came to a swift stop ten feet away from the caution tape, keeping a safe distance between themselves and the building.

The figure in question was wearing a heavily refined suit of armor and stood at a confident 5'9"½. The armor was composed of osmium and made primarily monochromatic as its base color was a dark shade of ivory with three splashes of dark orange across the suit. It compressed tightly around the chest and abdomen with a shade of black, each abdominal containing an extra pad of the same material.

Three small round metal halide lamp lenses on the ribs below the armored chest plate, arranged in a slightly curved vertical position; with the right rib cage displaying a twin set of lamps.

Heavily plated shoulder pads with stab-resistant compressed padding extending to the triceps and biceps. The forearms have plates molded to secure the arms, both dorsal wrists having a jack-like component pushed back inside with little wires snuggly positioned inside their hall.

The chest plates were fortified with even more reinforced osmium, 'faith' etched on the upper right breast, with splashes of dark orange covering the entire chest plate and the front half of the shoulder pad. The dark cyan reflected charming rays of light off the armor.

The protective gloves branch off color with the inner fists being dark orange and the outer being black, the inner fist containing unique cords of polymer insulation, with the thumbs containing a small thumbprint screen on a gray screen.

The unique design belonged to the helmet. A brass clasp attached to the body as the side of the neck had the compressed passing, with the rest of the helmet having a long oval shape, with an even darker shade of cyan on the visor and shield. On the upper right side of the visor was a singular indicator, actively in rest mode.

Extra coverage of armor located where the jaw is, an extended rim of armor traced around the suit colored bluish-white. At the top of the helmet rested a singular antenna, thin, yet extended to four millimeters.

"Gotta keep faith. All this nonsense is gonna get situated." Speaking their thoughts to themselves, the armored stranger treaded forward slowly, crushing slight debris and pebble pieces as he walked toward the layers of security tape.

Slowly inching his right hand towards the tape, he stopped right in front of it.
The shadow casting on the tape from his armored palm lingered and the moment after he paused, he started walking backward, even further back than his parked vehicle.

Then he took off sprinting, faster than the average jogger, and dropped to the ground, dropping his feet enough until his heels were touching the ground, skidding across the surface, lowering his upper body enough where the tape wouldn't touch him.

Skidding past the tape completely, he gripped the ground roughly and pushed himself off the floor, dusting some of the few smudges of dirt off the back of his armor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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