Gee, It's Good To Be Together Again

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[NOTES: Sorry in advance for all of the parentheses, I have ADHD and that makes it OK (it doesn't) In this chapter, Troy makes his return and reunites with the group. Also for the purposes of this story, Colorado is not a landlocked state and there are docks there and that is where Troy left from and where he returns from. The title of this chapter is definitely not from the Muppets Take Manhattan. (lie) Also Shirley is back, don't ask me why. Her dad died or something. END NOTES]

Abed was standing on the dock when he came. It was a foggy morning, and he couldn't see more than 10 feet ahead of his face. As such, he didn't see the boat until it was almost docked next to him. It took him a minute to recognize the boat. It took barely a minute more until he recognized the shadowy figure standing atop the highest deck. It didn't take much longer before the figure recognized him as well.

"Abed?" the figure called. He couldn't believe his ears.

"T-Troy?" he said hesitantly.

"Abed!" the figure-Troy-shouted gleefully, sprinting down the stairs to the main deck and leaping to from the deck to the dock with astonishing agility and grace. They rushed toward each other and embraced for the first time in a year and a half. Abed squeezed him tight, still not quite believing he was real. "I missed you so much," Troy said, his voice quiet and choked with emotion now. Abed didn't trust himself to speak and instead simply nodded, tears in his eyes. Suddenly, a deep voice resonated from Troy's boat.

"Well, isn't that cute?" Levar Burton said, standing atop the poop deck.

The two broke apart quickly, looking embarrassed. "There's nothing to be ashamed of," he said, walking down towards the pair. "I used to have a very close friend," he said, winking. "We were just like the two of you. Ah, young love. There's nothing quite like it." Troy tried to hide behind Abed as the taller one held back a laugh. "Why do you think this is funny?" he hissed at his friend. Abed tried his hardest to look serious. "We should probably go tell the others that you're back," he said, changing the subject. Troy immediately perked up at the thought of the rest of his friends. "How is everyone?" He asked, as the two of them turned and began walking back towards their apartment. Abed gave him a brief rundown of what the other 4 members of the group had been up to. The couple talked and laughed and before they knew it, they were back at 3624 Dresser Avenue. Abed took out his key and stuck it in the lock, but before he could open the door, Troy stopped him. 

"Wait, I have an idea," he said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "You go in first and then mention that you met someone, and then I'll come in and surprise them." Abed nodded and as Troy stepped back out of sight, he opened the door to 303. Annie was in the kitchen, making pancakes. "Abed, is that you?" she called out. "Yeah," he said back. "Were you down at the docks again?" Britta asked from where she was lying on her couch/bed. "I was," he responded, trying to conceal his smile. "And you'll never guess who I met." Britta sat up, looking interested. The noise from the kitchen ceased, and Annie asked, "Who was it?" She leaned out of the kitchen to get a better look.

 "It's probably easier if I just show you," Abed said, swinging the front door open wide. Troy stepped into his old home for the first time in more than a year. The reaction was instantaneous. Annie screamed and dropped the spatula she was holding. Britta shot up off the couch.

"Troy!" she said at almost the same time as Annie cried, "You're back!" They rushed towards him and the three hugged. "I missed you guys!" Troy said.

"Why were you gone so long?" Annie asked, seeming a little bit annoyed.

"That's a good question," Abed remarked. "You were supposed to be back more than six months ago. What happened?" he asked.

"Oh, we got kidnapped by pirates." Troy said nonchalantly. All three of his friends looked shocked. "You got WHAT?" Britta said incredulously.

"Me and Levar Burton got kidnapped by pirates." he repeated, as if that was a normal thing to say. Annie struggled to find the right question to ask. Finally, she settled on 'Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah," Troy said as if it was obvious. "We got away from them eventually." Abed, Annie, and Britta sat in stunned silence for a few minutes. Then, Annie jumped up. "We've got to tell the others!" she said, clapping her hands in excitement. "You need to finish your pancakes, babe," Britta said. "I can call them." Troy raised his eyebrows. "Wow, 'Babe'? Looks like something's happened there." he said. Annie blushed. "I've got to go make those pancakes now!" she said, changing the subject. She hurried off into the kitchen.

 Britta laughed. "I'm gonna go call them." She said, going into her and Annie's bedroom and closing the door. "You must be exhausted," Abed said, leading Troy over to the living area.

"A little, I guess. Mostly I'm just glad to see you guys again."

"What's been happening since I left?" Troy said, settling into his old chair. Abed sat next to him, feeling like everything was right, for the first time since Pierce died. He was with Troy, and so everything would be okay.

"Where should I start?" Abed replied, feeling like someone had just given him an opportunity to talk about Inspector Spacetime.

"Well, Jeff is still a teacher, and he and Britta almost got married at the end of last season. Pierce is still dead, obviously. Annie tried to do an internship with the FBI, but she almost started taking Adderall aga-" Annie interrupted from the kitchen, "He doesn't need to know about that, Abed!" she practically yelled. He rolled his eyes dramatically, even though he knew she couldn't see. "Sorry. Annie definitely did not almost get addicted to pills again and drop out of the FBI internship. Britta is still a bartender and obviously she and Annie are together now. Shirley spun off a little bit after you left, but that ended about a month ago, so she's back now.

"And that's about it," Abed finished. "Wow," Troy said. "I bet you barely missed me at all, with all that going on." He laughed, but there was pain hidden behind it. Abed looked into his eyes and saw so many emotions. And he didn't understand any of them. The realization shocked him. Troy is the only person Abed could really read. Or, at least, he used to be. Now he was just as clueless as he was with everyone else.

"I did miss you. A lot." Abed said quietly. The pair sat in silence; the air thick with tension. After five minutes of this awkwardness, Annie came over and set down two plates of pancakes on the table between them. The pancakes looked delicious; fluffy, and golden-brown, slathered with butter, and drizzled with syrup. The boys were relieved at the excuse to do something other than just sit there.

They dug in and for a while there were no sounds but the clink of utensils and the sound of chewing. But once they were both done eating, the uncomfortable silence returned. Finally, Abed spoke. "Do you want to watch Inspector Spacetime?" he asked. "You have almost two seasons to catch up on." Troy laughed. "That sounds great, actually," he said.

Abed grabbed the remote from the TV stand and pulled up Netflix. The profile options popped up. Jeff, with a picture of Liam Neeson in 'The Grey', Britta, with a picture of some random girl (she had picked it because she insisted it 'looks like Annie' and she wanted to be romantic), and Troy & Abed, with a picture of the Inspector and Constable Reggie. Troy let out a surprised noise.

"What is it?" Abed asked, concerned. "Nothing... it's just... you kept our picture." Troy said, sounding a little emotional. "Well, of course I did," Abed replied, furrowing his brow in confusion. "I couldn't change it, because I knew you'd come back." For some reason, this made Troy emotional to the point where he had to fight back tears. Abed turned on the show and the two sat in silence for a while.

 After a bit, Abed reached over and took Troy's hand in his. "I'm really glad you're home," he whispered. "I missed you so much." For a while, he didn't respond, and Abed thought Troy didn't hear him. Then, he whispered back, "I missed you too. You have no idea how much." They stayed like that for a while, content, and finally together again.

Reunion (And What Comes After)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora