Chapter 1.

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Ever since Kagami had been stripped of her rank as Queen.She started going down a downward spiral.She started to see her son as a monster and started to hate him for being the reason why Felix divorced her.In the past she used to love her first child.Since ever since He was born.Kagami loved Morgan.He was her little miracle.Everytime she tried to had a child .She never could because Felix and Adrien inherited a curse from their mothers that prevented them from creating children.She was depressed that she could never have a child until Kagami realized she could manage to create her dream and control when Felix was sleeping.She took the amulet for him when he was sleeping and created her dream.Kagami's hatred came to life and she finally managed to become pregnant.On January Kagami gave birth to a healthy baby boy.She originally named him after his father until Felix's friend changed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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