Somniphobia - Bokuto Kotarou

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"Hey, Bokkun! Isn't it a bit late to be practicing still? Heck, even I'm calling it a night" Atsumu said with a laugh, smiling over at his energetic friend, "uh no, Kaashi said he was coming to get me today since my car broke down! So I'll get in the extra practice instead of standing aimlessly around!" Bokuto replied with a laugh, hoping his blonde pal wouldn't find a reason to stay until Akaashi came. "Aww, well I would stay, but Samu's coming tomorrow, and I don't want him to find out I was up so late again!" at that, Atsumu left. Leaving bokuto to himself, practicing on as long as he can breathe.

So long that security helped him clean up and leave so he could "get some rest" one said, "Go home and sleep" Another tagged on, Bokuto disregarded what they had to say, he wouldn't be a victim to the darkness as long as he lived, even if dying from his avoidance was a very possible threat. But he didn't care, Sleep will never claim him as its next victim. but still, he returned home, seeing his love sleeping on the couch had him in a panic, But the stirring of his loving boyfriend made him relax, sleep will never claim him.

Not in this life, or in another life.


I'm sorry this one is so short! I promise I'll try to make these as long as I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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