im not making another one

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Once upon a time, in the vast world of Undertale, a unique creature named Gamecrasher existed. Gamecrasher, also known as Gc, was a 13-year-old dragon/human hybrid with extraordinary abilities. Despite his young age, he carried an air of kindness and exhibited immense strength.

Gc's love for robots and admiration for dragons and monsters created a deep connection to the magical beings that roamed the world. However, an unfortunate twist of fate had led him to develop a strong dislike towards humans. Past experiences had shaped his perspective, causing him to view them as the source of much suffering in the world.

One day, whispers spread throughout the land that Frisk had embarked on a destructive path, known as the genocide route. Deep within his compassionate heart, Gc knew he couldn't allow innocent creatures and monsters to suffer. He resolved to evacuate as many as he could from the destructive path before confronting Frisk.

Utilizing his incredible dragon strength and speed, Gc raced against time to save as many creatures as possible. With his super healing abilities, he tended to the wounded, offering them a chance for recovery. Gc's crystal manipulation enabled him to create protective barriers, shielding those he was unable to physically save.

As Frisk continued their relentless journey, leaving destruction in their wake, Gc tirelessly worked to evacuate and protect the innocent. His actions served as a beacon of hope and resilience for all those affected by the genocide route.

However, when Gc finally confronted Frisk, reality hit him with a brutal force. Frisk, empowered by their determination, proved to be an unstoppable force. Gc fought with every ounce of strength he possessed, utilizing his second life ability to resurrect and continue the battle.

But despite his best efforts, Gc soon realized that his powers were no match for the sheer determination of Frisk. The weight of despair and defeat settled upon him as he witnessed his own demise at the hands of Frisk no matter how much power or times he killed her she never gave up.

Two slashes and Gc's heart shattered as his vision faded, leaving him surrounded by darkness. In his final moments, he wondered if his kindness and strength had been in vain. But little did he know that his valiant efforts had not gone unnoticed.

Word of Gc's selfless acts and unwavering resolve spread throughout the underworld. The monsters and creatures he had saved mourned the loss of their savior. Their hearts were filled with a deep sense of gratitude for the young dragon/human hybrid who had risked everything to protect them.

Soon, the memory of Gamecrasher became a legend, inspiring others to stand up against injustice and fight for a world where kindness prevailed. His selflessness taught them that even in the face of overwhelming darkness, light could still shine through undyne and sans blame theirselfs because they did not stop him sans was the first to find him first Frisk took a soul and crossed the barrier no one knows what happened.

Now, she kept resetting the save file and killing him over and over again not stopping

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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