Birthdays, Cake and Proposals

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone crowded around the table, Mari sitting at the head. "Happy birthday dear Mari! Happy birthday to you!" with one blow, every candle went out, diminishing the warm glow that resonated in the air.

"Thanks for putting this together guys! I really appreciate it!" Mari looked around at the group. Sunny, Basil, Kel, Aubrey, and her long time boyfriend, Hero, all surrounded her.

"Nah it's no problem! Happy 25th!" Kel walked over to Mari, plucking out each candle and licking the frosting off the bottom.

Aubrey looked at Kel with an astonished and disgusted expression.

"Kel, ew! What if the melted wax gets on you?!" Kel snapped back, "The candles were only lit for like... 20 seconds! Nothing would happe-" At that moment, a bit of melted wax hit Kels tongue.

"Oh my god Kel," Aubrey sighed sarcastically, scurrying off to grab a cup of ice. "Fun fact, I don't know what to do when this happens so there's a 15% chance you die-"

"WELL- uhm, does anyone want cake..?" Basil cut Aubrey off, holding a knife in one hand, with a stack of paper plates in the other.

"Alright, cake!!" Sunny excitedly replied, uncharacteristic of the usually timid boy.

"Ha, what's got you so excited Sunny?" Aubrey chuckled.

"What's wrong with wanting a bit of cake? I could go for some every now and then," Basil stared at Sunny for a moment, before cutting a fairly large slice.

"Nothin', just a bit odd though, I thought you hated pastries!" Aubrey replied, focusing back on Kel.

"Hey, sometimes you need something different!" Sunny replied.

"Yeah Aubrey!" Kel said, his mouth half filled with cake. "Can't always eat the same stuff..." He stopped talking so he could grab another mouthful.

"Hey..." Mari looked around. "Where'd Hero go?"

Suddenly... the lights dimmed... Sunny, Aubrey, Kel, and Basil turned around and began to snicker.

A radio began playing a popular 50's romance song, suddenly, Hero steps out of the shadows of a nearby hallway. He wore a black tuxedo, his trousers were creased on the edge, sharp and new, and his tie immaculately put together.

Mari chuckled, "A bit much for a birthday, Hero?" she grinned, but Hero remained silent, keeping a hyper romantic facial expression as he walked towards Mari. Mari laughed some more, but Hero remained completely unfazed.

"Mari, the love of my life." He grabbed her hands. Mari put her hands over her mouth and blushed. "We've been dating for almost a decade now." Hero gulped. "I think... it's time... we go... farther." Hero stuttered a bit, the pressure of what he was about to say now getting to him.


The silence was deafening. The music cut out, and the lights came back on.

"Will you marry me?"

Mari stood there, almost like she was still registering the words. Suddenly, she jolted from a lifeless figure to a hyper mess.

"Yes, yes, YES, YES!!! A MILLION TIMES OVER!" she yelled, jumping up and down, her grin only growing more and more. Hero stared at her, kneeling on the ground, the more he watched Mari's smile grow, the more he smiled in response. After about 15 seconds of back and forth smiling, Hero bursts into tears and hugs Mari.

"I was so worried you'd * sniff* turn me down..." Hero sobbed into Mari's shirt, leaving her in an awkward position.

Mari retracted from the hug, grabbing Hero's shoulders, "Now, why would I reject you?" Hero smiled weakly, his eyes becoming more clear.

He held out a small box that stayed open, looking away from his spouse. "Here, you forgot this." Mari reached for a small ring, sliding it perfectly onto her finger. It was a pure aquamarine jewel, sparkling in the light.

Sunny, Aubrey, Kel and Basil still stood at the table, Kel still held a piece of cake, each bite taken slower and slower.

"You sure do know how to impress me, don't you?" Mari smirked at Hero, who began turning red.

"I love you Mari..."

"I love you too, Hero..."

The two shared a tender kiss.

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