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Takes place after the slumber party Bloo threw at Mac's apartment.


Mac called out "Bloo" and Bloo came out and said "hello Mac." Mac said "let's go upstairs so we can talk."

Bloo said "Mac your eyes are red so you must be tired."

Mac asked "well why would that be?"

Bloo answered "duh I threw a slumber party last night."

Mac said "it was not only stupid of you and the gang to sneak into my apartment overnight it was a dangerous risk. What were you thinking?"

Bloo answered "I was thinking of having a good time."

Mac asked "what if my mom had woken up?"

Bloo answered "she would have had your Slurpee."

Mac told Bloo "no and now is not the time to be a smart mouth. If she'd woken up she would have found out I've been going to Foster's. That would have gotten me severely punished and you would have been put up for adoption since I'd have to break the contract."

Bloo screamed "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Mac asked "are you going to do that again?"

Bloo answered "no."

Mac hugged Bloo and said "you better swear you'll never pull a stupid fucking stunt like that again."

Bloo replied "no my creator I was way out of line."

Mac said "alright then" and went on to say "I want you to sit in this corner and think about what you did." Bloo asked if it was a time out and Mac said "I'm your creator so I can put you in time out."

Bloo sits and breathes deep while promising not to jeopardize his everlasting relationship with Mac.

Mac said "just sit right there buddy and I'll let you know when your time out is up."

Mac left the room and saw that Frankie had been observing. Frankie commented "wow Mac you really laid down the law with him but I should let you know that at Fosters if you cuss you get put in time out."

Frankie went on to say "Mister Herriman and Madam Foster overheard you and they're not happy."

Mac's heart nearly flew out of his chest.

Mac said "tell them I'm really sorry and it won't happen again."

Frankie said "I'm kidding they didn't hear you. Also I know what Bloo did last night so I don't blame you for cussing him out. I won't put you in time out for it."

Mac said "thank you and why did you tell me that Mister Herriman and Madam Foster overheard me?"

Frankie answered "I couldn't resist a good prank."

Mac said "well thanks to your prank I have to run home and change."

Frankie looks down at Mac's wet crotch.

Frankie said "oh no I'm so sorry."

Mac said "see you in 30 minutes."

Frankie said out loud "I'm such a bitch and I don't even want to tell him I saw his naked baby pictures."


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