Part 13

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Embers POV

I watch from the shore as everyone talks on the boat. There is a new man. Along with Micheal. I haven't talked to anyone since me and Lucas last spoke. Instead I've been planning on what needs to be done. I have a large rock desk that I've been using. All the papers are spread out on it. "Ember!" I hear Michael yell at me. I quickly gather the papers and put them in my bag. I quickly go to the boat. "Ember, I want you to stay here." Michael tells me. I glare at him. "I will not be staying." I tell him.

"It's best if you stay here. You're too hurt." Michael tells me. "As if that has ever stopped me." I tell him. "Ember. As your guild leader I order you to stay here." Ritchie tells me. "Are you going to shock me some more if I disobey?" I ask, a slight smirk on my face. "Ohhh, low blow." David says. "No, Of Course I won't." Ritchie tells me. "Great. Then lets get going. The sooner we get Brandon the sooner we can get back and get to building." I tell them. "Its going to cost a lot." Lucas says.

"I have some favors I can call in. I also have money. I can get us some good high quality materials for cheap. But we will have to hire some people. Lucas and I can move the water. And then Mario and I can move the earth to rebuild the island." I tell everyone. "...You thought about this alot." Ritchie says with surprise. "Of Course I have. Someone needs to make a game plan. I've already done most of the math. So I know the general price of what it is going to cost." I say.

"I also know how we are going to build the houses. Along with the new training grounds. Along with David's new garden. Although I will leave most of the garden to you. But I do know a guy who deals with rare plants. He saves plants from bad gardeners. And would love to be able to give some to someone who he believes would be a good fit." I tell David. "Like what kind of plants?" David asks. "Well last I knew he took some Rafflesia Arnoldii, some Encphalartos Woodii, He also got some Ghost Orchids." I say.

"Along with some of my personal favorites. Bat Flowers, Gold Fingers, Corpse Flowers, Jade Vines, And Fire Lily's." I tell David. Everyone stares at me with wide eyes. "You know a lot of flowers." Mario says. I scoff. "Not all of those plants are flowers." I tell him. "Also, I'm a nature god slayer. Anyway, Off topic. I'm going down to the desk to do some paperwork. Set sail whenever you're ready." I say as I quickly go under deck. I go to the desk and pull out some paperwork. I sit down and quickly get to work.

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