Part 14

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Embers POV

I watch as the guild helps a girl out of a hanging cage. "I'm going this way. You all have fun." I tell them all as we go to split up. "You shouldn't go alone." Lucas tells me. "I'll be fine. I work best alone." I tell him as I quickly walk away. I hear them all walk in different directions. But I go down into a different sewers. I walk around hearing nothing. After a while I hear small footsteps. My back hits one of the walls as I peak around the corner. I hold back a small gasp as I see a small child. She has long matted red hair. Her skin is green and bruised. She has cuts all over her body.

All she is wearing is a long white, torn, dirty shirt. I bite my lip and softly sigh. I slowly go around the corner to where she is. "Hi sweetheart." I say, my voice small and soft. She squeaks in fear and backs away from me. "It's okay hun. I'm not going to hurt you." I tell her. I watch as she relaxes a little but she is still cautious. "Are you in any pain?" I ask. I watch as she softly nods. "Can you show me where?" I question. She points to her leg. I slowly walk closer and notice a large cut on the side of it.

"Do you want to leave?" I ask. Her eyes widen and she nods. I smile at her. "Can I carry you? I don't want you to get more hurt." I tell her. She looks at me for a moment before she nods. I slowly pick her up and put her on my hip. She shivers and curls into my body more. So I use my fire magic and slowly heat up my body. She sighs and closes her eyes. My eyes water as I look down at her. But my eyes fall on all her cuts and bruises and I get filled with rage. How could someone hurt something so adorable?

I swear I will protect her with my life. I start walking and as I do she falls asleep. Her breathing evening out and she goes limp. She must be so exhausted. Suddenly Micheal appears in front of me. "Ember.... that?" He asks me. "I don't know her name. But she's mine now." I tell him. He nods and pauses for a moment processing what I said. "Okay, well time to go. I'm going to take you two, to everyone else." Micheal tells me. I nod and he puts his hand on my shoulder. We go through the shadow realm and end up outside. A few feet from everyone else. I see David with another Plant child. 

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