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You find yourself slowly opening your eyes, as your vision slowly adjusts to your surroundings. You're in a mysterious room with dim lighting, and as you try to get up, you find that your arms and legs are restrained to the bed you're laid upon. Out of nowhere, a figure appears and slowly walks towards you - one of the Spider-men?

He crosses his arms before opening his mouth to speak.

"Now we can do this the easy way... or the hard way. Your choice," he growls, irritation present in his tone as he stares you down.

"What do you mean?" you respond, cocking your head to the side in confusion.

"You're an anomaly. Does that ring a bell, stupid little bitch?" he spits, as you go quiet. Fear is on the verge of overtaking your senses, but your intrigue about the situation prevails.

"How about you tell me where I am first, then perhaps... I could help you with your little situation," you reply silkily, glancing at him.

He chuckles behind the mask covering his features, seemingly amused by your statement.

"Playing hard to get, are we?" he whispers, as he moves closer to you.

You know this is a situation where you're supposed to be terrified, to be absolutely scared... but your masochistic tendencies make it so that instead, you find your body heating up.

He laughs a little more, and you find that you're absolutely entranced by his voice, his figure and his behaviour, and your eyes follow his lips as he speaks.

"Normally... the people who tend to be anomalies are absolute pieces of shit, the kind who won't be phased by me... but you're a bit different in that regard, it seems," he says, his commanding voice making you hornier by the second.

By this point, he's so close that you can feel his breath falling on your face and unfortunately for you, you're flirty by nature and hence your response is almost instant.

"True, it does seem I'm not like the others in this, hm?" you say, agreeing with him whilst gazing at his mask and hopefully where his eyes are. You just want a reaction out of your capturer, anything and you'd be pleased... but most of all, you want to crack his persona and watch as he crumbles.

You want to crack him to the point where he doesn't just want you, he needs you, and at this point, you'd be willing to do whatever it took to achieve this.

Suddenly, his hands slam down on either side of you, as he towers above you with an expression you can't really decipher.

"Don't fucking tease me," he states, frustration present in his voice as he stares at you angrily.

In response, you stare back at him with a coy, teasing expression before speaking.

"Well then, Mr. Spider-man-"

"Miguel," he states swiftly.

"Alright then Miguel... you do know that all men break at one point," you respond, a teasing lilt to your voice as you look at him.

It seems that's exactly what broke him as he rips off mask in a fit of rage, revealing a gorgeous man.

He had honey brown skin paired with piercing eyes and gorgeous, shiny hair. He opens his mouth, revealing his teeth and for the first time, you notice the fact that he has a pair of sharp fangs where one's incisors usually lie.

An average person would be beyond terrified, but your lust overtakes your common sense as you let out a small giggle.

"Ooh, look at your fangs - what are you, a vampire? Oh no, I'm so scared," you tease.

Anomaly | Miguel O'Hara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now