Eurovision final's

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Käärijä's Pov:
Jere eikö sua jännitä?/Jere arent you nerves? Matti asked me.  Vähän/ a little. I reply
Käärijä!! I hear someone yell and i look to see that its bojan. Hi jokerman! I reply. Who do think is gonna win? Bojan askes me. Ummm, me! I reply. But Loreen. He says. No no no no noo. I say

Now its my turn. Bojan hugs me and whispers in my ear "good luck Jere~" i whisper back "thank you"  he said it in a really soft voice i could listen to that for hours on repeat. But like in a friend way rigth?

Jere on meidän vuoro kohta!/Jere its our turn soon! Matti one of my dancer's yell's. I say bye to bojan and then i go on stage and give it my all. I almost fell and Im sweaty.

Bojan's pov:
I look at Jere's beformance, god i could listen to him Sing forever. Wait Im not falling for him am i? No i cant he is my bestfriend. Bojan! Jure  say's loudly but not yelling. Then i snap out my thougth's and i say "yea..". Are you okay, you were spacing out? He asked. Yea Im fine really. I say

Time Skip😘

Now its our turn we all give it our all but then i see the beatiful black haired Finnish man. The next think i knew i winged at. Him i saw him smiling?

I watched all the beformences but i had a really good feeling of Käärijä winning. I watched them saying the points then "The winner is SWEDEN!" I turn to look at käärijä to see his heart broken to millions of peace's. I walk to käärijä and hug him really tigthly and i whisper to his ear "your still my winner and Im proud of you" but then he whispers back "But i didnt win and i let down everyone" that made my heart sink just seeing him thinking that.

Käärijä/jere's pov:
I didnt win...... i let down everyone. But befour i knew i felt bojan hug me tigthly. I Spades out so i dont Remenber what happend after that. But i Remenber me being around everyone. After we go back to the hotel and i ask Bojan "can you stay with me for the nigth" "yes ofc i can" bojan reply's then i smile and he smile's back at me his smile it just felt so good.. wait am i falling for him i cant i just cant! I thougth to myself.

Sorry this was really short i will try to make a longer one soon

Eurovision united us(käärijä x bojan)Where stories live. Discover now