Chapter 1

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Dark, quiet, alone. These are just the simple words to describe my life. I'm Jenny David and I'm an 18 year old girl in La California. My life may seem boring now but this wasn't the case 2 years ago before the incident.

It was July 19, 1997, a cold long night awaited me as I watched out the window for my brother to come home, much to my knowledge he wouldn't. I watched the cars speed past my house in the waking evening, no call from my brother. I kept looking out the window in the driveway, an hour passed, still no call. Instead of panicking I called his phone and to my relief someone picked up.

"Hello? Andrew?" I said with my hand shaking slightly as if my body was telling me he wouldn't answer, and it was right.

"Hello is this a relative of Andrew David?" The older sounding voice came from my brother's phone.

"Yes, I'm his sister. Is everything ok?" I say a bit loudly for my liking.

"I hate to inform you that your brother got in a car accident and..." I didn't hear the last bit as I dropped the phone falling onto my knees and shielding my sorrow filled eyes with my hands.

"Ma'am? Are you ok?" The voice kept repeating over and over getting slightly more worried each time. I didn't answer but instead hung up the phone and set it onto the table after picking it back up.

'It's my fault I shouldn't have let him leave this late'

I had gotten up and ran to my room where I saw my boyfriend sleeping on our shared mattress. I looked away from him as tears started to run down my cheeks. I turned to walk out but stopped the moment I heard a quiet sleepy voice.

"Why are you crying? If you wanna survive in this world then quit being a crybaby." He said sitting up on the bed and motioned for me to come over. I obliged and sat next to him looking anywhere but his face.

"Look at me bitch." He said before grabbing my face and kissing me. Alcohol, again, he's been drinking. He's always had a drinking problem but I never thought it would get this bad to were he's passing out from it. Now you may be wondering how he's drinking all this stuff, well my brother was 22 and we lived with him after Peters parents kicked him out for drinking underaged, apparently he thinks 19 is an ok age to drink.

"You look at me when I speak to you, got it?" He said breaking the kiss. I didn't get to say anything as he had passed back out. Sighing I got up and walked to the living room where I felt a cold breeze. 'strange' I thought to myself as I sat on the couch. Just as I sat down I heard a knock at the door, 'ill get it' I thought to myself. I opened the door only to be met with a pair of red orbs.

"Ben!?" I yelled out quietly. "Why on earth are you here this late!? And who's that?" I asked him while pointing to a tall thin figure looming over him.

"Oh that's Laughing Jack, and I'm here because I could tell something isn't right." He said walking into the house as the figure followed him looking down at me with a smile. 'creepy'. Ben got up and walked into my kitchen to go fix something up leaving me with the emo looking clown named Laughing Jack.

"Jack, call me jack." He said about 20 minutes in of us just sitting there in complete silence.

"Um ok Jack, I'm Jenny but call me Jen." I said looking away from him. God he's creeping me out and it's unsettling.

"Why? A name as pretty as yours should be said fully." He said twirling a string of my black locks around his finger.

"First don't touch me and second I have a boyfriend." I said pushing him away and back up slightly. He clenched his fist and looked away. Ben came back into the room and sat between us.

"Your back Benny boo." I said causing him to laugh a bit. I said for the longest time don't call me that. I looked over at Jack and he seemed Jealous? Odd, simping clown much?.

We were all having a good time between beating each other in video games or playing card games. Our fun was interrupted when a loud thud came from upstairs followed by fast footsteps. 'shit he's coming downstairs'.

"Why the fuck are there two men down here with you." He shouted at me walking closer. "Are you just that desperate to be a whore that you're inviting random men into the house to please your needs?!." He said stopping in front of me. "You know what, don't say a word, I'll just go to Bellas place." I looked at him in shock.

"W-Whos bella?" I said on the brink of tears.

"The other girl I've been seeing, plus I was using you for my own needs." His sentence was cut short from Jack grabbing him by his neck.

"You bitch! You don't EVER talk about that beautiful woman, how could you cheat on her!? She loved you, but now, I love her!" He said before digging his nails into his throat and shoved a poisoned lollipop down his throat choking him in the process. Blood fell out of his throat but I couldn't help but look away feeling dizzy. I was about to fall when Jack caught me.

"Sleep tight sugar." He said and the last thing I felt was his hand on my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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