Chapter One

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It's a crisp, clear morning in the town of Scott. The birds are chirping, and the sun is just beginning to peek over the horizon. A young man named Henry Daniel is getting ready for school. As he's packing his bag, he notices something strange on his desk...

Henry is standing in front of his desk, staring at a small white feather. It's not like any feather he's ever seen before. It seems to glow with a faint, silvery light. He reaches out to touch it, but before he can, he hears footsteps in the hallway outside his room. Who could be coming down the hall at this hour? He holds his breath and waits..

Suddenly, the door bursts open and Henry's little sister, Jessica, comes barreling into the room. She's only eight years old, but she has the energy of a hurricane. "Henry! Guess what I found in the backyard!" she exclaims. "It's the coolest thing ever!"

"What is it, Jess?" Henry asks. "Come on, don't keep me in suspense!" Jessica grins and holds out her hand. In her palm is a shimmering, rainbow-colored rock. "It's a geode!" she says. "I found it under the tree! Can we crack it open?" Henry smiles and takes the geode from her hand. "Sure, let's do it!" he says. But as they start to make their way to the kitchen, they hear a loud crash from downstairs...

As they rush to the bottom of the stairs, they find their mom standing in the living room, staring at a shattered vase on the floor. "What happened?" Henry asks. "I was trying to dust the bookshelf," their mom replies, "and the vase just slipped out of my hand. I'm so sorry!" Jessica runs over to give their mom a hug. "It's okay, Mom," she says. "We can clean it up." Henry takes a broom and dustpan from the closet and starts to sweep up the broken pieces of the vase.

As Henry and Jessica clean up the broken vase, their mom heads to the kitchen to get a broom and dustpan of her own. Suddenly, they hear a strange sound coming from the backyard. It's a high-pitched, warbling whistle, almost like a bird call. But it's coming from somewhere much too big to be a bird. What could it be? Henry and Jessica look at each other in confusion. Should they go investigate?

Yes, they absolutely should! They set down the brooms and dustpans and head outside, following the sound. It leads them to the edge of the woods behind their house. There, in a small clearing, they see something that makes their jaws drop. A giant, rainbow-colored hummingbird, as big as a house, is hovering in mid-air, flapping its enormous wings. It turns to look at them, and opens its beak to let out another strange, warbling whistle.

The hummingbird's eyes are an electric blue, and as Henry and Jessica stare into them, they seem to lose track of time. Everything seems to slow down, and the world around them takes on a dream-like quality. The hummingbird leans in closer, its eyes boring into theirs. And then, all of a sudden, it flaps its wings once more, and shoots up into the sky. Henry and Jessica blink, and the world snaps back into focus. "What just happened?" Henry asks. "Did we just... hallucinate?"

Jessica shakes her head. "No, that was... real. I think." She looks around at the trees and the sky, as if to make sure that they really were back in the real world. "But... how is that even possible?" Henry looks at the hummingbird-shaped spot where the creature had been hovering. "I don't know," he says. "But we should tell someone about this. Maybe someone will know what's going on." Just then, they hear the sound of their mom calling them from the house. "Henry! Jessica! Where are you?"

Henry and Jessica look at each other, as if weighing their options. Should they tell their mom about the giant hummingbird? It seems so unbelievable, even to them, that it might be hard for her to believe. But they don't want to keep this secret to themselves. "Let's tell her," Henry says. Jessica nods. "Okay. But... should we tell her everything?" "I think we should," Henry replies. "It's better to be honest, even if it sounds crazy." And so, they head back inside, ready to tell their mom about the giant hummingbird.

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