1. Crushed

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This was my original idea, inspired by a short moment of the show seen below, this is an image of the scene.

So yeah let's get straight into it.

During the lively evening at Ozzie's club, Millie, fueled by a sense of petty revenge, impulsively decides to jump on top of Fizzaroli, seeking to momentarily crush his robotic chest piece. The impact leaves Fizzaroli momentarily disoriented and close to unconsciousness, his body malfunctioning from the damage sustained.

As Fizzaroli struggles to regain his senses, Asmodeous, witnessing the severity of the situation, immediately pauses the mockery and rushes over to Fizzaroli's side. With deep concern etched on his face, Asmodeous swiftly picks up Fizzaroli, being careful with his fragile state.

In a surprising moment, despite his disorientation, Fizzaroli's signature move manifests. His robotic snake-like tongue flickers out, pointing to it playfully before retracting it back into his mouth. This action, even in his compromised state, showcases Fizzaroli's lighthearted nature, offering a brief glimpse of his charm and resilience.

Asmodeous, holding Fizzaroli tenderly, recognizes the significance of this gesture and embraces him in a supportive and protective hug. Their connection deepens amidst the chaos, fostering a sense of understanding and camaraderie between them.

After Moxxie and Millie finish their serenade, Asmodeous takes action. Recognizing the disrespect towards Fizzaroli and the breach of club rules resulting in Fizzaroli's injury, he asserts his authority and kicks Moxxie and Millie out of the club.

With Moxxie and Millie removed from the premises, the atmosphere at Ozzie's regains a sense of calm.

After the incident at Ozzie's club, Asmodeous carefully removes himself and Fizzaroli from the stage, ensuring the safety of Fizzaroli's damaged chest piece as they make their way to a more secluded area. As other performers seamlessly take over the stage, the energy of the club's atmosphere remains vibrant.

In this vulnerable state due to the malfunctioning caused by his damaged chest piece, Fizzaroli seeks solace in the embrace of Asmodeous. He leans into Asmodeous, his usually mischievous and playful nature temporarily altered. The malfunctioning has made him more cuddly, seeking comfort and reassurance in the physical connection with his friend.

Asmodeous, understanding the significance of Fizzaroli's altered behavior, holds him gently, providing a safe space for him to express vulnerability. He embraces Fizzaroli, his warmth and care a balm to Fizzaroli's unsettled state. Asmodeous offers steady support, understanding the temporary need for physical comfort and connection.

In this tender moment, Fizzaroli's altered behavior adds depth and complexity to their relationship. Asmodeous recognizes the significance of this vulnerability and cherishes the trust Fizzaroli places in him during this challenging time. Their bond grows stronger as they navigate the uncertainty together.

With Fizzaroli finding solace in the embrace of Asmodeous, Asmodeous proceeds to contact the skilled technician who specializes in robotic limb replacements. He ensures that Fizzaroli receives the necessary assistance to repair and replace his damaged parts, while also preserving his unique personality and individuality.

As they await the appointment with the technician, Fizzaroli's cuddly behavior persists, serving as a constant reminder of his altered state. Asmodeous continues to provide unwavering support, offering comfort and reassurance to Fizzaroli during the waiting period.

This is cringe but ChatGPT wrote it so fight me

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