"It's gonna be okay Tessa."

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Tessa was tired of her mother's abuse. Her father was an exception, he was just controlled by mother.
She was saying this because her mother just hurt her.

"Now stop being a brat!" Her mother yelled at her, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
"Yes mother." Her voice cracked. None of her worker drone friends were with her. N was with V and J while Cyn was hanging out with X. She still doesn't know how X likes Cyn, probably because she cares about him and he cares for her.


Tessa just decided to sit in her bed and weep.

She didn't want to but she did anyway because feelings are more stronger than her own brain.

"Why can't mother just love me...?"


About 5-10 minutes have passed and Tessa was lightly crying now until a knock came at her door.

She sighed and got up to go open it. She grabbed the door handle and pulled it open with ease and saw her crush Allen.

"A—Allen?!" She quickly wiped her tears as he came in. Allen was the handyman (boy) who was Tessa's age, he always talked with her and made her feel like she was someone.

"Hey Tess, I just—oh are you crying?" He pondered as he closed the door.

"N-No! I wasn't haha! I was uhm, practicing my acting skills!" She lied to him as he set his bag down next to her bed. His white eyes looked at her suspiciously.

Allen knew Tessa was lying.

The two shadowed figures stared at each other until Tessa asked, "What did you need?"

"I needed to check if there was something to fix...and sadly there is." Allen explained.

"Well what is it? Broken nail again?" Tessa pondered, Allen just shook his head.

"It's you Tessa." He said softly.

Tessa's white eyes looked at him in surprise, she nervously laughed.

"M—Me? Nice joke hehe."

"Tess, I'm serious."


Tessa Elliot looked down to her right arm, it hurt. Her mother hit her there and that's also where she keeps getting chained. Chained to a pole. It hurt so much because she tries to pull herself out of it and break free.

She developed her tears again and Allen felt sympathy for her.

"Oh Tess, is it your arm?" He asked, she nodded in response, sniffling.

Allen took her arm into his rough, warm hands and gazed at it. He poked at it and pressed on it just so he knew where it hurt most. The injury was red, but he could fix it.

"Here, stay on your bed while I grab bandages from my bag." Allen told her, Tessa nodded and sat on her bed. He looked through his bag pockets, looking past tools until he found the white bandages.

He got up and sat next to Tessa. Allen gently grabbed her arm and started to carefully wrap the white bandage around her sensitive skin. She winced a bit, her arm shook but she stayed calm.

Tessa liked his touch, rough and warm. Or maybe that was because she was touch-starved. She didn't know, but what she did know was that she loved Allen very much.

"A princess like you doesn't deserve to be hurt like this, y'know?" Allen told her, Tessa blushed and mumbled a "thank you" and said nothing else.

He was almost done wrapping her arm up, though he wanted to ask a question to Tessa.

"Tess, does your father hurt you?" Allen pondered, looking up at her. "If you don't want to answer that's fine."

"No I'll answer. Father doesn't hit me at all, he's better than mother." She replied. Her hand grabbed onto his arm, she wanted to stop shaking.

"Are you okay? You just grabbed my-"

"Shaking too much." Tessa admitted. He subtly nodded.

"It's gonna be okay Tessa." He said to her. "I'm almost done here."

He made sure the wrapping was tight, but not too tight so it didn't irritate her skin and make it hurt more.

Just one more loop...

Finally, Allen finished wrapping her arm. He rubbed it softly to make sure it stayed. Tessa didn't mind the touch, she liked it. It felt comforting to her.

"There, that should do it Tess. Are you better now?" Allen pondered, he looked at her but Tessa still was a bit sad. He wished her mother was more nicer if anything less abusive. Or maybe not abusive at all to save this adorable woman's soul.

Allen picked up her hand and daintily kissed it, Tessa gasped a little, blushing as the kiss sent shockwaves through her.

"Better now?" He pondered with a sweet and soft voice.

"Yeah...but I think my lips might need a little kiss fix too..." She giggled. Allen laughed softly, he got close to her and pressed his lips against hers.

His arms wrapped around her body and pulled her close, Tessa did the same and kissed back with passion. She shivered to his touch, is this what kissing was? An embrace? Something that connects two people or more?

They both pulled away, Allen lifted his hand to cup her cheek.

"Better?" He laughed softly, Tessa nodded.

Allen got up from the bed, letting go of Tessa.

"I think I have to-"


He looked to her, she rubbed her left arm shyly.

"I meant, stay with me...just for a while." She mumbled, her accent getting quiet. "We could...talk to each other if you want."

Allen smiled.

He sat back on the bed and they talked for a while, soon they laid down and still talked. Tessa told him about how well Cyn was doing with X. X was the worker drone Allen brought in for her so it made him happy when he knew X was doing well.

Soon after a bit, Tessa was starting to get tired. So Allen decided to pull her close, wrapping his arms around her and slept with her in bed. Embracing each others warmth.

But before they did go to sleep, Tessa asked him, "If you kissed me, does that mean I'm your girlfriend?"

Allen chuckled, "Yeah, I don't mind being your boyfriend Tess."


"Cyn says Tessa's sleeping with Allen?" J asked V. She nodded in response.
"I wanna see, they're so cute together!" N smiled.
"We can but we can't stay there, there's work to be done." X added, Cyn nodded next to him.
"Nod nod, c'mon!"

Everybody followed Cyn and X to Tessa's room, they opened the door quietly to not disturb the two. They peeked in, looking at the sleeping couple.
"Aw!" N cooed.
"I'm glad Tessa's doing alright now." V said, smiling as she tilted up her glasses.
"Allen better make sure he's treating her right!" J butted in, glaring at the shadowed handyboy.

"They'll be fine. They're sleeping so peacefully." X mumbled, he looked to Cyn who was staring without a word. "You alright Cyn?"
"Nod, yes. I just think they're very adorable. Smile." She beamed. But deep inside she wanted a relationship like theirs with X.

Cyn wanted to love X, maybe he'd treat her like a normal worker drone instead of leaving her for her differences and problems.
And she was sure he'd love her and not leave her, just like Allen did with Tessa.


Hurhur yummy oc x canon hehe

Also this is when the worker drones weren't turned into Disassembly drones

Anyway I might make a Murder Drones oneshot book :D (I will hopefully, just gotta focus on my other oneshot books and stories)

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