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Jigsaw, Brahms, and Tiffany are the mom friends.

Chucky and Slappy are obnoxious assholes.

Chucky does stupid shit all the time and Slappy, Billy, and Fats join in.

Jigsaw tries to stop Chucky from doing the stupid shit.

Buddi has a really bubbly personality, but can and will murder someone.

Jigsaw, Brahms, and Annabelle are emo and (somewhat) crave death.

Tiffany, Buddi, Brahms, and Jigsaw cook all of the meals.

Buddi's eyes only turn red whenever someone threatens one of the other killer dolls.

Brahms and jigsaw are tired of everyone's shit.

Chucky and Tiffany were together when they joined the killer dolls, but broke up soon after.

Jigsaw is sleep deprived.

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