Chapter 1❃

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                                                                                " The moonstone"


December 27, 10XX,

The moonstone is a very uncommon stone, the stone of phases and new beginnings, it is strongly associated with pure energy and to the moon, and it can help you develop your innate psychic gifts and talents. On a physical level, this stone can repair harmful bodily diseases and injuries. Also, it can heal emotional illnesses by regulating our emotional state and tension. It cannot be found anywhere. I trust you to keep it safe and use it wisely.

-To my little peach, with all my love,

Your Mother

The Grilitgham Enchanters College's loud bell rang, signaling the end of the day. As I was getting ready to leave, I noticed how I felt extremely exhausted from all of my hard work, and assignments. Then suddenly my eyes were covered by soft, warm and small hands.

-Blake I know it's you-. I stated unequivocally.

-How did you know!? I didn't even put on my favorite vanilla lotion-. She says as she moves away from me, pouting.

-You do it all the time, it's not like it's something new to me. Furthermore, your hands are always warm, plus your fingers are short enough to know that it's you-. I said as I grabbed my bag. We were walking along the college's long and broad corridor.

-Oh by the way, how did your physics test go? You studied really hard to prepare for that test. I could never-. she says, staring at me ,waiting for an answer.

- I feel like I did well, hoping Professor Fotheringham grants me extra credit for my extensive and detailed information in the last question- I said with a contented face.

A dissatisfied and angry expression on her face appeared. - Prof. Fotheringham?! I'm sorry to say it out loud, but he's a complete moron-.

I laughed. -Why? Did he do something to you?-. I asked, curious.

-He deducted my overall score merely because I did not circle my final response on my previous assignment-. She says, with an indignant tone.

I chuckled. -. You are definitely overreacting -. I hinted, walking out the entrance of the colleague.

-No, You are overreacting, with your perfect scores and grades, no one could beat you in physics.- She whines. -Anyways, I was wondering what you were up to tonight. Lucas, me and my annoying brother are going to the coffee shop to hang out, would you like to join us?- She says stopping and looking at me with puppy eyes.

I sighed.- I would love to but remember that I have fencing classes in about one hour-.

-Oh, shit, I completely forgot.. We no longer have much time for ourselves-. She says, whining. She often does those kinds of things, like a little child, jumping around and crying as if someone had stolen her chocolate.

-Haha, don't worry, it will be another time- I said consoling her.

-You better!- she said, warning me.

Hours later...

My knees are killing me. I moved quickly , dodging my opponent's sword. Until I fell, defeated to the ground.

-Touché!!-. Moriah Amaryllis says in a haughty, condescending manner.

While I was standing up, she approached me and told me. -What do you think about that? It seems that your perfect fencing score is slipping away. Where's a real opponent?- she says while feigning a smile.

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