That moring

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*play the song recommend for better experience*   

Ever sense me and Tom started dating he would       never tell anyone i was his girlfriend because he liked being private. Of course i would have loved being known as Tom Kaulitz's girlfriend but i respected him. 

—that mornin—

I got woken up by a loud alarm going off and the sun bursting in my eyes from outside the window. I pushed the oversized covers off my body and wiped my eyes temping to wake up more. I looked over to see Tom sleeping peacefully as if an alarm had not just gone off, i wonder if he knew he still had an interview today?

I decided i needed to get up and get dressed so I got out of bed with one of tom's oversized t-shirts on because i didn't have much clothes here. I was stuck living with tom because at 16 my mom kicked me out because she didn't like the idea of me dating a rockstar so Tom and his brothers offered me a place to stay, with them.

I started looking through the clothes i did have to find something cute sense after their interview we were going out to eat. I found a white top which was like a crop top but a jacket aswell which had fur and long sleeves, with a black skirt, and black belt as well. I grabbed some underwear and opened the door to the room and looked around at the empty hallway and made my way to the bathroom.

I assumed everyone was still asleep. I sat my clothes on the counter and turned the hot water on in the shower. I got undressed and got in the hot steamy water, which felt amazing! I sat underneath the water for a couple of minutes than began washing myself with some soap i had gotten from Bill, Tom's brother.

For some reason Bill liked female products meaning makeup,clothes,and shoes but after being in the shower for a few minutes i twisted the shower head off and hopped out. I wrapped myself in the towel which was hanging by the door. I dried myself off and began getting dressed i threw my dirty clothes in the basket which was behind the door and right as i was about to open the door i heard a loud rumbling noise.

I was so hungry but didn't want to rome around the house by myself looking for food. So i headed back to Tom's room hoping he was awake, and to my surprise he was still asleep. I pulled the covers off him and sat on his lap sense he was sleeping on his back.

"'s time to get up" i begged.

"Ughh what time is it" he said grunting and sitting up.

"It's time for us to go eat...please?" I said frowning so he could say yes.

"Ok ok im up" he said while getting up and sitting me on the bed. He had no shirt on with some joggers and some black socks. Woah his abs we're crazy hot.

He walked over to the dresser and pulled a shirt out and put it on. It was a a black t-shirt with a man coming out a wolf i think?

"So you coming" he asked me as he began opening the door to the room.

I hopped out of the bed and hurried after him. We both walked downstairs towards the kitchen i guess someone was already down here cooking because the smell of pancakes bashed my nose.

"Good morning you guys" Bill said smiling while sitting at the island in the kitchen and a plate of pancakes in front of him.

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