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Hello meh simpers!!!
So in my other story cross x epic
I asked if yall want a wally x reader...
Im not gonna wait for an answer you'll have to read this now ÙwÚ
Sooo here we go!

Le info

Opposite Wally
And the rest of the neighbours
(Cant remember there names lol)
Also other wallys lol

Chapter one

you are a submissive and you are the age of 16
You go by they/them
>there will be no lemon<

Wally is dominant he is an unknown age
Wally goes by he/him
He will be flirty and smexy but no lemon cause you are non-binary and idk how non-binary lemon works lol

Your pov:
You looked at your new house...it was painted with  bright neon colours...
It was a bit big but you liked it...
"Hello, neighbor!" A exited voise said makeing you jump in surprise
"Oh...sorry did I scare You?" The voice asked
You turned around and saw a guy much taller than yourself,
He had blue hair, it looked like he was from the 70s
You shook your head 'yes' and looked at the floor
"Oh I truly am sorry, neighbor!" He said in worry.
"I-its okay..." you mumbled
"Okay, my name is Wally Darling!" Wally said "Welcome to the neighborhood!" He said, his eyes half closed, you blushed a littel and you looked at him...his voise was so...husk
"My name is y/n, thanks..."
"Oh...y/n...you're the one who asked for a plase to stay, welcome! Right over there is your house, I made it myself, to your left is my house!"
You nodded and smiled
Well thats just fucking great...im neigbours with alivs fucking presly
You thought in  annoyance
"There is everything you need in there,food,bed,lights,couches,pots,
Pans,TV, everything!" Wally said and smiled
"Thank you mister Darling" you said and he laughed
"Please, call me Wally, you make me sound old!" He said smiling
"Okay, Wally..." you mumbled
This is gonna be a great fucking day...
You thought

Wally pov:

As I was walking to my house I smiled...
Y/n looked so cute...but I probably scared them...I opened the door to house
"Why did you take so long?" House asked
"I just greated the new neighbour, honny" I said makeing a -_- face
"Oh, okay" house said relieved
"Hay, are you back from your flirting mission, short shit?" Opposite yelled from the kitchen
"Well no fucking shit Sherlock!" I said in annoyance
"Jeez, who shat in your coffee?" Opposite asked
"You did" I said annoyed
"Sorry" he said in attitude
I just remained quite and walked to my room locking the door so that house could not spy on me.

(Okay wattpad logic rn: house can only talk to wally in the livingroom and kitchen. And when wally locks a room house can't see him or talk to him or hear him)

I sat down by my canvas and I started to paint Y/n...
I couldn't get them out my mind, so I decided to paint them a gift...

Your pov:

You were sitting on your soft bed, looking at the floor thinking about Wally...he had an eerie vibe about him...it felt...wrong to be with im...in a way...you sighed as your mind shifted to a new thought...your old town...
You ran away from home...Becuase you got bullied alot by Justin and his group

(idk who he is just nade him up)

And your family was really hard on you all the time...
So you went to a guy who said he could help you...he said if you call the number he gave you could have a totally new house and a new town.
So you called and a strange voice answered, it gave you the instructions to where you were going to live.
And now your here...
You stood up from your soft bed and walked to the kitchen.
You opend the back door and saw a cat in your jard...
"Whats a cat doing here?" You asked yourself
The cat looked at you  like it understood what you said and it walked to you...you frowned...
The cat meowed at  and you patted its head. It was a black cat.
"What is your name?" You asked
"My name is jasper..." the cat said and you looked at it dumb struck...
"You can talk!?" You said
"Obviously," the cat said "Every animal can talk, well...at least where I live..."
"...that is not normal where I live..." you said
"Well...then what you know is not normal my friend!" The cat laughed
"Hehe...do you want to come inside?" You asked the cat
"Yes, please im verry hungry, normaly wally feeds me, but he forgot..." the cat said
"You now Wally?" You asked
"Yes, everyone knows everyone here in this town!" The cat- I mean- jasper said to you.
As you were feeding the cat some of your canned fish you heard a knock on your door.
"Im comming!" You yelled.
You ran to the door and opend it...
"Wally?" You asked unsertion, because he was taller than wally and he had red hair, he looked edgy...
"Yes, im Wally, but his opposite...so you can call me Opposite...Wally wants you to come and eat dinner at our house..." Opposite said
"So...there are two of you?" You asked
"...yes, now are you gonna come or not?" He asked
"Are you his twin?" You asked.
"ANSWER the god damn question!" He yelled at you makeing you flinch
"U-uhm, y-yes, sir, I-ill be there soon!"
You said hopeing he wouldn't hurt you.
He sighed
"...okay, bye." He said and walked away.
You closed the door and you were shaking badly, suddenly all the bad memorys came flashing thorough your head...
You started to sob badly...
Jasper came to sit next to you.
"Are you okay?" The cat asked
"Yes, Jasps, im okay..."you said wiping away your tears.
Great...I came here to be save...but now...ugh! You thought in annoyance
"I have to get reddy for the dinner now..." you told jasper
"Okay..." the cat said and meowed in concern...


1052 words!!! Hahaaaa I did it!!!

So do yall like the story so far?
Chapter 2 comming soon!

welcome home wally x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ