The intro

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Alrighty so this is mainly about the complicated world around my main (and self-insert) Oc named Alice Haywood.

Here is a very very short explaination of her:

Alice or her full name Alison. In my AU Her adopted brother Is Horror. I will explain more about her when I get home. She has different clothes but this her secondary outfit. Small trivia She is always one year older than be but in the twenties , she has the most lore and AUs of her, Her love interest is NM, her bffs are ccino, lust, and error! She is a Fire Nekojin, basically meaning a catgirl with fire magic and the ability to cause a mass explosion Ik its cringy and shit but like I made her soooo long ago. She was created in 2017 and has tons and TONS of lore and shit. 

More in depth version:

Name: Alice Sakura Haywood

Age: 26

Type/Species: Nekojin/ Neko Monster Hybrid

Birthday: 10/13/19XX

Pronouns: She/her

Orien: Bisexual and Panromantic

Language: Speaks Full Japanese and English

AU: UnderEmber (My AU which is in progress)

Currently residing in: Horrortale/ the omegatimeline with Ccino

Occupation: Co-owner of a Cat Coffee shop and Ex Sentry worker

Magic: She has Fire magic, summoning fire balls and more, She can summon Gaster Blasters but they are shaped as a skull and made out of cat bones, more to be added soon

Likes: Chocolate syrup, sushi (shrimp tempura is her fav), Strawberry flavored soda, cat related items (yes she does chase after laser pointers), Outertale

Dislikes: Muzzles, Shock Collars, Tasers (All due to trauma and her backstory), Mustard, Spiders, Loud shouting or screaming, Small spaces, Crowded areas, the smell of lemon

Height: 5'5 ft

Eye colors: Blue on left and Pink on right with white shaped pupil on left and black heart shaped pupil on right

Hair Color: Bright Yellow almost gold with white streaks in it


She can sometimes have scars due to fights,

sometimes wears earings on her ears,

has white freckles

Usually wears Black fingerless gloves

Small Trivia:

-She is half Japanese

- Her mother was a Cat Monster and Her father was a Human

- Alice uses a Full Scythe which can change into a Mini one (thing of Death's weapon) and a Whip

- She can swim but isn't great at it

- Her orignal name was Winter but was changed to Alice

- She has a somewhat of a fire demon cat guardian named Rexion or Rexy Which I am working on the design for her.

- She can speak and understand Cats



Love interest: Nightmare sans (semi- cannon and fannon)

EX: Fell!Sans

Siblings: Davis (more info soon) Younger sister and Horror!sans (Older adoptive brother/ My AU version)

Best friends:








Gumi (OC)

Next chapter will delve more into the Multiverse which is called Aliceverse cuz im uncreative sometimes


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