chapter 1

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yeonwoo looked at her; he smiled from ear to ear as he walks toward the young girl sitting leisurely reading a taehoon x f! reader fic. yeonwoo scoffed 

"yah! what are u doing?" he asks

the girl didn't avert her gaze from her screen, "reading"

"clearly" he rolled his eyes, "speaking of reading, have u read thru the chemistry chapters? you know, the one about atomic particles"

now she turned to look at him, "duh"

"what about the biology hw?"

"we had one??" the gurl raised her eyebrows. yeonwoo simply nodded

"no we dont??" she took out her binder before yeonwoo stopped her, "we do, trust me. let's go to the library and do it tgt?"

the girl nodded. he took her hand and they walked to the library tgt


"are u done?" yeonwoo nudged the girl sleeping in front of him, "f?"

the girl who he refers to as 'f' wakes up, yeonwoo chuckled, "did u not get much sleep last night?"


he tilted his head to the right while he observes her droopy face. she had just woken up from a small nap in the middle of the biology homework

yeonwoo took out airpods out of his pocket and placed one in his right ear, "music?"

"not a fan, tbh" f replied

he rolls his eyes playfully "stay still"

he got up and sat beside her. f was startled when yeonwoo took her hand out and placed the left airpod on her palm


f shook her head


"that wont make me sleepy"

"pop it is" yeonwoo turned his phone on and played some chrisye

"how do u know i like this song?" f exclaimed, happily dancing around 

yeonwoo shifted his gaze from his phone to the dancing girl beside him. he propped his head on his arms as he stared deeply into her. her eyes, her smile, the way she carries herself, and her glasses that sits nicely on the bridge of her nose. he observed her; clearly and thoroughly

"don't stare at me like that u'll give me evil eye" 

yeonwoo laughed, "hey what do u think of going out w me this weekend?"

f stopped dancing and raised her eyebrows once more, "like a date? haram bro"

upon hearing the word bro, yeonwoo grabbed his chest as if hes in pain, "bro... i just got friendzoned"

"do u like me or something?????"

yeonwoo grinned sheepishly and nodded, "idk why ure so oblivious, ive obviously liked u for a long time. and i know how u study at 7.30 ish, thats why i stream during that time"

f cringed

f slaps him, yeownoo shock like dis: v

f slaps him, yeownoo shock like dis: v

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"stop not halal"

the end

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