chapter 2

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was what yeonwoo had in mind when f slapped him across the face 

f's eyes widened, "what the- i just slapped u, how did u not flinch nor budge?!?!?!?" 

"Because this is the spirit of kyokushin karate."

"yeonwoo ure always so corny"

a voice appeared out of nowhere. slow steps entering the library with another set of footsteps following behind it

the voice continued to say, "kyokushin karate and whatever crap u like to talk about"

yeonwoo stood up from his seat

"who-" f was suddenly cut off when yeonwoo placed a hand over her mouth

"shhh. aw man it's him"

a light haired boy popped out from behind. his tie set loose draping over his chest "yo, what are u two lovebirds doing here"

ugh taehoon yeonwoo thought to himself. he and taehoon has never been the best of friends. apparently he reminds taehoon too much of his dead friend, talk about dumping ur trauma on somebody else

f got up from her seat, she seemed annoyed "we're not lovebirds idiot. he was just helping me w the bio hw"

taehoon raised an eyebrow "really man? bio hw? i dont even pay attention in class and even i know hes lying"

f stood there, jaw dropped. "aw fucks sake yeonwoo u brought me here for what then?"

"thats obvious he likes y-"


yeonwoo, taehoon, and f all turned around at the same time only to see an orange haired boy, sitting on one of the library desks looking frustrated

f nudged taehoons elbow "who's he"

taehoon shrugged "ayano... ayamo... something"

"ayam sabana"

"apaan si bjir"

"he's asano, you guys." yeonwoo sighed "and hes the son of our principal"

f crossed her arms "asano? never heard of him. have u, taehoon?"

taehoon went quiet for a second. rubbing the back of his neck as if hes trying to remember who this asano kid is

"i dont think i know him..." taehoons words trailed off as his eyes went over to asano's hair "but he looks reaally faamiliar..."

"he doesnt look like ur dead friend" 

"fuck u yeonwoo kys" taehoon gave him a middle finger "no ive definitely seen him before-- OHHHHH. OH I SAW HIM IN THE ALLEY THE OTHER DAY WITH THAT ANGRY DUDE WHATS HIS NAME?????? TOMATO BOY FROM CLASS E????"


asano raised his eyebrow, feeling irritated that the three students wont stop yapping and blabbering and talking even when hes already called them out

asano raised his eyebrow, feeling irritated that the three students wont stop yapping and blabbering and talking even when hes already called them out

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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