Chapter 1: WAY Before the Titans

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In Gotham City, Batman and Robin were taking down a group of thugs. These guys were caught red-handed importing illegal drugs. The Boy Wonder made a flying kick, knocking out one of the last men.

"Oh yeah!" he cheered. The last of the thugs made a run into the next section of the abandoned factory, his footsteps almost silent on the concrete. Batman put a calm hand on the energetic sidekick.

"We're not done yet," he reminded Robin before running after the thug. He didn't make it to the door before a loud gunshot sounded. The man ran back, screaming.

"That thing! It came out of nowhere!" he shrieked, not caring about the new bracelets on his wrists. Police sirens neared as Robin took a quick glance inside the room.

"Robin," Batman warned, "we have to go." Robin obediently followed the caped crusader, but made a note to come back later. He didn't get a chance until the next night.

Batman had gone on a solo mission, so Robin was free for the night. Sneaking in was easy enough. He slid in through the window near the top, landed on the grate stairwell with barely a rattle, and slinked down the stairs to the door.

According to the police report, the guy was still in shock, so Robin prepared himself for the worst. He pushed open the door, the ominous creak unsettling his nerves. He walked in carefully, glancing at every possible hiding spot or unnatural sign. His pulse quickened as he noticed abnormally large claw marks beside the door. He couldn't stop staring, walking backwards into the dark. He just barely bumped into something scaly. Robin whirled around to see a monster, its eyes pure blue.

"Ahh!" he screamed. The creature roared loudly. Robin couldn't move, terror gripping his heart. The two stood there, screams and roars continuous. Suddenly, Robin could feel his legs. He charged for the nearest makeshift barricade. The creature disappeared as well, hiding behind another obstruction. Robin was stuck in panic mode, hyperventilating as the creature's appearance was burned onto his eyes.

Stop panicking, Robin, he scolded himself. Be like Batman. Be fearless. He took a calm, steady breath, but his heart still pounded against his chest. He peeked out from behind his safe haven. The slightest movement in the dark caught his eye, along with the rustle of something like fabric. Robin forced his heart back down his throat and carefully tip-toed toward the movement. The Boy Wonder braced himself with the equipment the creature was hiding behind. He glanced around it and saw the thing. Or the...person?

"Leave me alone," it growled worriedly. Its voice was pitchy, part a frightened girl and part a vicious beast. Black leathery wings hid its face from him. Dragon wings.

"You're-you're not going to eat me or something?" Robin asked. The thing chuckled.

"Couldn't if I wanted to," it replied. Robin crouched beside it and carefully moved away the wing. In the dark, its light blue eyes glowed. Sure enough, it was a girl, thin and somewhat pale. She had overgrown purple bangs over her right eye and hair like Rapunzel's. She had a black shirt and torn jeans on. Her legs went from human near her hip to dragon-like below her knee, where the jeans became a wreck. Her hands were practically claws, the perfect size for the marks on the wall.

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