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I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my nightstand. I groggily reached for it, expecting just another spam message that I could easily delete and forget about.
But as soon as I read the text, a chill ran down my spine. "Today you will trip and fall in front of everyone at work."

It seemed like such an innocuous prediction - but something about it felt off. And sure enough, when I arrived at work later that day, everything played out exactly how the message had said it would.

My coworkers laughed and pointed as I stumbled over nothing in particular and hit the ground hard. It was humiliating - but what scared me even more was realizing that this wasn't some random coincidence or prank.
The next few days were filled with similar messages predicting mundane events: spilling coffee on myself during breakfast; getting stuck behind slow drivers on my commute home from work; forgetting important deadlines at school.

Each time one came through, though, there was always a feeling of dread settling deep within me - because somehow these stupid little predictions kept coming true without fail.
And then things took a darker turn when one morning before heading to class for college studies – yet again- another ominous notification appeared:

"Your friend Wendy is going to kill you today."
At first glance it sounded ridiculous – why would anyone want to hurt me? But after all those other accurate predictions…what if this really did come true?

As much as part of me wanted to brush off the warning entirely (after all who believes spam anyways?), fear gripped hold tightly inside making every move feel heavy with impending doom throughout each passing moment until finally reaching campus where Wendy met us outside our classroom door looking tense already despite only having been here mere minutes herself!

"Wendy?" My voice shook slightly."What's wrong?"

She didn't answer right away instead choosing simply stare blankly ahead while clutching her bag tight against chest as if trying to protect something precious inside.
"I'm sorry," she finally whispered, her eyes meeting mine. "I don't know what's come over me."

Before I could even process the words or react in any way - Wendy had lunged forward with a knife clutched tightly within hand!
The world around us seemed to slow down into an eerie silence that was only broken by my own screams of terror and pain as the blade sliced through flesh again and again until everything went black...

When I came back from unconsciousness it was all just a blur – police sirens wailing nearby while paramedics worked frantically on stabilizing wounds before rushing me off towards hospital care where thankfully they were able save life despite severity injuries sustained during attack.

It wasn’t long after when news broke out about how Wendy had been struggling for months with mental health issues leading up this incident which made sense given strange behavior lately but still didn't make things feel any less terrifying looking back upon events now knowing what really happened behind scenes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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