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Hello there. Welcome to what is essentially my OC Randomness Book. This is the book where I'll be doing incorrect OC quotes, character deep dives, and more. This book is the go-to place to get more information on my characters that you wouldn't find in my OC book. Namely, more about backstories, personalities, and the thought processes behind them. 

I will not be going over any world building in this book though unless it pertains to specific characters. I highly recommend reading Enchanted Reality if you want more information about the world building in Enchanted Reality.

This book may contain content some viewers may find uncomfortable. Content warning for the following: death, war, sickness, mental illness, abuse, family neglect, sexual themes, and strong language. I will avoid going into detail if I can, but a warning is important for those who may be more sensitive/made more upset by this kind of information.

Feel free to suggest which characters I should talk about. I will likely be focusing on my primary characters as those are the ones with the most amount of development, but I am open to doing some of my other characters too. I also won't just be talking about my Enchanted Reality OCs, I am open to talk about my OCs in other fandoms, like FNaF, Welcome Home, and more.

If this book gets enough attention, perhaps I'll do a 'Roasting Your OCs' joke section of this book.

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