18.-'๑'- I love.. -'๑'-

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Tom's POV:

My leg pressed over the stop pedal as I finally arrived at our mansion.

"Tommi?" a woman's voice came from the corridor as I entered the house.
God I hated that voice. It annoyed me. I thought her vacation wasn't over yet?

After a second, her slim tanned legs with her pink heels came running to me. Her very light blonde hair had these massive curls that had been bouncing along with her fake plastic tits.

"What do you want Lia." I hissed at her but she just smiled and jumped into my arms.

"Tom! I've missed you! Haven't you missed me the past 2 weeks I was away?" Her uwu voice stung my ears. I rolled my eyes and pushed her off making her stumble, but she didn't care at all.

She tried to jump in again but I glared at her.
"What's wrong? Did something upset you?" She "comforted" me.

I stared at the ground for a moment as Angela flushed my mind. I've never wanted a woman so bad before.. But I cant.

"Its nothing." I replied to Lia awhile later.

"Anyways.. I've heard there was a girl in here. Apparently with you." Lia mumbled.

"Yeah, so what?" I replied turning my gaze back at Lia. I knew who she was talking about.

"But Tommi!." Lia whined and that's where I snapped.

"We weren't fucking! Stop assuming shit you slut." I growled at her.

"Then what was she doing in your room? Georg told me this yesterday on the phone! You are only mine. " Lia shouted back at me still keeping that little kitten voice.

"Why the fuck do you care? And why are you talking to Georg? You're MY pet, remember?" I screamed right at her face.
"And what if I'm hers, not yours?" I added hissing at her.


What did I just say?.

Lia just stomped and crossed her arms.
"Can you at least take me shopping?"
She mumbled along with her puppy eyes.

"Leave me alone." I spat out and left the corridor, disappearing into my room.


I took a quick shower. Feeling fresh and warm my body sank into the king sized bed in my room.

This shit is annoying me.

What am I gonna do? Bill is right. I have so many girls around my shoulder but..

I sighed.
My mind was a whole mess and all I could do was just stare into nothing.
I could love her even if I'm a mafia. It wouldn't mess up my reputation, right?
We can be a dangerous couple together..
But she's a guitarist.. But she knows how to use a gun.

She can use a gun.. But Lia. Fuck Lia she's a bag of bullshit. But bill.

"FUCK!" I groaned in my bed.

She probably doesn't even love me back.

But I love her.

Angela's POV:

He's probably just playing with me.

How could a whole ass full pack mafia boss like a girl like me? That makes 0 sense.

This is so confusing.

Do I like him back? I do..for some reason I don't want to, but I do. This is so toxic..

He has millions of pets, how the fuck is this even possible?! I would be just another set of a Pokémon for him wouldn't I?

Why is this turning out for me so badly? First, they break into our apartment, then we get fucking chased. THEN I GET KIDNAPPED. And after all of this, after finally getting recognized by people and planning our concert with our published songs that from 0 views came up to over 100k views, Me and Katya get beaten up for some fucking money? I cant do this.

Although, Tom saved me. Well, they all saved me and Katya.

I don't like Bill anymore. It's confusing with him too. I like him as a guy, then I don't cause he hates us. I don't know. Even if he saved Katya he was still a little skank by being nice to us at the apartment complex but turns out he's a complete shit head to us.


I despised Tom, but now, I feel safe in his arms even though he's that type of guy to leave random bodies on the street and shoot people for fun.

I hate this. I came here for my dream. I'm here to chase my dream, not a man.. Not him..

But I love him.

____725 words ___

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