He Finds You

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So to start this out they will all share the same first chapter just to get this story going.

(T/N) = Turtle name and (Y/N) = Your Name for any of you who are new to this. Enjoy this first chapter and don't worry, each turtle will have their individual chapters but some of them will be combined like this one.

<3 you all!


The night was cold and dark, New York was slowly coming out of its Winter and into its Spring but with great difficulty. In the quiet night, a lone cry of a baby could be heard and an unsuspecting individual heard it.

(T/N) had heard a ton of babies cry into the night but this cry was different. It was a fearful or hungry cry like most babies, this cry was one of loneliness, one that broke his heart. Drawn by the cry, he found you wrapped up in a worn out blanket, in a box, in an alley. You were alone and there was no chance anyone would find you, you would die alone, alone in the darkness, and he wasn't going to have that.

With great care, he picked you up, and head back home, noticing that you had stopped crying. Your tears were replaced with a smile and there was something beautifully tragic about your smile. How innocent it was to him. "It's okay, you're safe with me." As if you understood him, you reached out to him, touching his chin just slightly and giggling a bit.


Arriving at the lair, (T/N) entered his sensei's room, only one question in mind.

"Master Splinter?" (T/N)'s voice was soft, afraid to disturb his brothers and not wanting to disturb you and your sleep.

It wasn't long before the rat came out and greeted his son, immediately noticing the baby girl in his hands. "Who is this, (T/N)?"

(T/N) looked down at you, his eyes softening as he gazed upon your sleeping face. "She's going to be my daughter, your grandchild."

Splinter smiled knowingly and petted your head gently. "You would make an excellent father, my son. What shall we name her?"

It didn't take him long for (T/N) to think of a name for you. It sort of came out of his mouth, natural and fitting. "(Y/N), her name is (Y/N)."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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