Chapter 1

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I've just woken up because the sun decided to peak through the curtains. I was sure I shut them all the way. I rub my eyes and sit up. I reach for my shades and see a note hanging on them. No wonder my curtains were open. Bro must have opened them when he came to leave this note. He wants to strife this early in the morning. I glance at the clock and see its around eleven. I guess its not really that early. I just didn't sleep well last night. I force myself to stand up and put my shades on, then grab my sword.

I pause before opening my door. I need to make sure Bro won't be able to see anything. I set my sword down and walk in front of my mirror. My long sleeve shirt covers any marks that would be on my arms, and my jeans cover my legs all the way. I guess it's safe to go out. I raise my arms up just to make sure my shirt doesn't rise up to high. When I'm sure any cuts from last night are hidden I pick up my sword and head up to the roof.

I can see Bro hanging around in the shade by the air conditioner. He knows I'm here because he picks his discarded sword up. He looks me up and down and I hunch my shoulders a little bit. What if he knows? What if he just doesn't care? I shake my head to clear my thoughts. "Can we just get this over with."

"It's summer Dave, how the hell are you wearing long sleeve?"

"It was cold inside. I didn't change." I shrug glancing away. If I look at Bro he'll know something is wrong. He can't know. He'll be so pissed.

"Alright then." When I look back up Bro is already charging at me sword drawn. I fight back, but only enough to keep Bro thinking I'm fine. When our strife is over I head straight to the bathroom. I'm so hot. I turn the shower on slightly cool. Then I struggle to get out of my sweaty shirt. I glance in the mirror and see scars climbing up my ribs. I quickly turn away and step into my cold shower. The water feels nice and I tilt my head back opening my mouth. I swish the water back and forth before spitting it out. Then I actually wash my hair and body.

After I dry off I grab my hoodie and pull it over my head. I flatten my hair out and grab another pair of jeans. God it's hot. I hurry to my room and grab my phone. The air conditioner doesn't work so I'll go somewhere else. Maybe a close by coffee shop. I'm about to open the front door when a ninja star implants into it. I glance over my shoulder at Bro who's on the futon. "Where you headed?"

"For a walk. It's hot in here."

"It's hotter outside, and your wearing a hoodie."

"I was planning on going into a store or something. Stores are always cold."

"I guess. Here." Bro reaches into his wallet and pulls out a twenty. He holds it out and I walk forward to take it. When I reach for it my hoodie sleeve slides up and I quickly pull my hand back. Crap. Now he's going to think something is up.

"I don't need your money."

"Who said I was giving it to you? I want something from where ever your going."

"What if I'm not going to a food store?"

"Then stop at one on the way back." I sigh and take a step closer before reaching out again.

"Anything particular?"

"Surprise me."

"Ok." I leave without anymore throwing stars following me. I start off running down the stairs, but as I go on I get too hot and slow down. I leave the apartment and head down the street keeping my head down. Every so often I glance up to check where I'm heading, and during one of those times I glance up my eyes meet with someone else's. I look away immediately, but look up again to see if he's still looking at me. Our eyes meet again and I hurry into a store and head to the back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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