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The sky was a glistening blue, a brightness to make anyone squint. Imperfect, blobby clouds fluttered in the breeze. I hated days like these; it was like mother nature was trying too hard to impress her dwellers. There was no wind, just the blatant sun glazing the ground before her.

I was sitting in my car, at that moment, when I decided to leave.

Remembering, I was leaning over my wheel pouting, like I always did when my mother yelled. My comfy sedan was my hiding spot, my calming oasis with a slight smell of cheese puffs. So, I clicked my keys into the ignition, and with a loud cough and rumble, me and my trusty vehicle were off to the Riverside park. All that was on my mind was sitting down on the grass and eating the cadbury chocolates I stole from the fridge before I left, and maybe write in my pocket journal. My continuing private novel, about a boy and a girl, Eve, who meet in the heart of New York City. All mushy stuff, really, but it keeps me distracted.

We were driving down route 21, the sun beginning into a golden phase of the afternoon, when I saw a man on the side of the road. He was about my age it seemed, and standing up, his left thumb was held out in front of him excitedly.

Suddenly, his eyes focused on my encountering car. And then looked up at me, our eyes meeting. His expression changed, relieved.

Something about this was wrong. I had a sense of confusion and fear. What was this guy doing?

He started waving his other hand, and held out his thumb higher. "Miss? Miss! Miss, please!" He shouted.

In a state of guilt I tried to look away and drive by, but he began to flail his arms harder, and broke into a sprint after me.

I drove faster, and grimaced, occasionally glancing at my mirror reflecting his ignored screaming.

And then, he stopped for a moment, and cupped his hands to his mouth.


The sound echoed inside me like a bullet through an unlucky doe.

I slammed my feet on the brakes.

What the hell?!?

Carefully, I turned the wheel and stopped the car on the side of the road. By now there were annoyed cars maneuvering past me, beeping and honking. For a minute, I sat composing myself, before I heard a determined tapping on my window.

The man was slouched over, squinting into my passenger window, grinning and waving.

I jumped. "Go away, you perv!! I don't know you!" I screamed, huddling to the other door, ready to run.

He nodded his head, understanding, and gesturing me to come out. I sat up again, studying his face. What could this guy do to me?

So, very slowly, I opened the door, the hinge releasing with a surprising *click*.

Right as I lowered my leg out of the car, he swept me off of my feet, hoisting me into the air and spinning around."Yes! Yes! You're here! You're finally here!" he sang gleefully, as I struggled in his arms.

"Wh-what?? Put me down! Put me down!! I don't know you!"

He stopped spinning and lowered his large arms, I stepped away from him, dusting my blouse off.

"Thank you," I said, staring at the ground, confused.

"Oh, um, yeah," He mumbled, running his fingers through his perfectly curly hair."I haven't introduced myself yet."

I looked up.

"Hello, I'm Lucas Farell," he said confidently, extending his hand. "You?"

A neuron inside me illuminated for a second, the familiar name, then sent a painful shear down my spine.


This couldn't be happening.

"No no no no no no..." I whined, frantically, looking around and running to my car. He stood there neutrally, but put his arm by his side. "What?" He asked.

I pulled the car door open and dove for the passenger seat, searching. Where was it? Suddenly, I felt it, my small pocket journal under the cushion. I lunged for it and brought it back outside, almost tripping on the hard cement.

"What is it?" He asked, concerned.

"The journal, the--the story, " I exclaimed. My voice was tense and worried, I must have looked like a mental case. I flipped urgently through the pages, the small leaves fluttering in the cool breeze.

I stopped on the page. There it was. My mouth was gaping, my heart pumping blood into my paralyzed body.

He leaned to one side, his brow furrowed. "Is everything okay?" he said, in a quieter tone.

Quivering, I read the worn words:

"What is your name, may I ask?" she said as they stood together against the brick wall of the alleyway.

"Why must you know?" he asked in a sultry voice.

Eve admired his beautiful curls, and his smile. And the dimples on his freckled face.

"I must," she pleaded.

"Lucas Farell," he whispered.

Eve stared into his eyes one more time, and hugged him, in the welcoming darkness.

When I looked up, my hands still shivering, he was looking over me, eyes boggled, understanding the words. I stood up again, and painfully looked at him in they eyes. My head was pounding.

"How do you know me?" I whispered in terror.

He came closer, putting his hands on my shoulders. "The real question is, Fiona, how do you know me?" ***

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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