The Exciting Discovery

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"Can we have sex?"

Your eyes went wide from the question. Out of every question that FF could have asked that last one thing you expected it to be was that. 

"So let me get this straight," you started, "you got out of your cell and snuck all the way to the other side of this prison in the middle of the night for sex?"

FF sheepishly scratched the back of her head, slightly embarrassed now. "Well of course it sounds weird when you say it like that, let me rephrase." She took a breath before starting again. "I understand the basics of sex and why people do it, but I just don't get what's so funny about it."

FF looked to you hoping you got why she asked to have sex with you, but that only made less sense. You looked on with an arched a brow at FF's statement not completely following along, and even a little more confused than you were before.

FF started again, "Jolyne and Ermes keeping making these sex jokes that I just don't get and it's starting to annoy me." You nodded your head, making a 'oh, I get it now' face. However, if that's the case then- "Why don't you just ask the girls what's supposedly so funny?" You asked, finishing the rest of your thought aloud

"I already tried that! They just keep saying I wouldn't get it because..."

You could finish the rest for yourself, because she has no experience. It made sense though, FF is a stand after all, why would she have a ton of experience with such a human desire? FF started pouting thinking back to the multiple times when Jolyne and Ermes had shooed FF away like she was a child because she wasn't allowed in on their jokes. With FF making such a cute pouting face you almost couldn't say no to her, but you saw FF more like a friend than a fuck buddy, would something like this really work? FF looked over to you, trying to get a gauge based on your expression, she already sensed the answer you were going to give her. You locked eyes with FF, she was giving you this pleading puppy dog look.


"Please! I really wanna know!"


"It's knowledge that I don't have yet, I have to understand it! Please!" FF begged cutting you off again. FF had intertwined her hands together giving you the biggest saddest puppy dog eyes she could muster. You sat there contemplating FF's request for several minutes the whole time FF hadn't moved, keeping her eyes on you patiently waiting for your definitive answer. You opened your mouth hesitating to speak. FF continued to look at you expectantly, a blush ghosting over her cheeks making her even cuter and in turn making it harder to say no to her. You thought hard about the situation, seriously thinking over your options.

You didn't have a cellmate at the moment they had gotten into some big fight which landed them in confinement as punishment, so it's not like you had that to worry about. Plus it had to be well past midnight no guards would be roaming around, but you would both still have to be quiet if you two didn't want to get caught. I mean, if I decide to do this, you thought quickly as an after thought, but who were you kidding, you did want to do this. FF wasn't unattractive at all it would be just as much fun for you as it would be for her.

You finally decided to speak again after what felt like forever, "I...I guess I could help you out." You could already see the joy painted across FF's face, you quickly jumped in before she could potentially shout her excitement, giving you both away immediately. "But we'll have to be quiet about it so we don't get caught, alright?" FF snapped her jaw shut as quickly as she could choosing to nod her head in agreement frantically, however the grateful shine never left her eyes. You could practically hear all the thank you's she wanted to say just from looking into her bight sky blue irises.

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