Chapter 5❃

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-Really? Do you know someone? Who is it? Where can I find that certain someone? I really need to know.- I made a quick remark.

-Woah, calm down. I know someone that possibly knows this stuff but now I'm not sure he wants to see me- He rubs the back of his neck.

-But you stated that..- He interrupts me.

-Yeah, I know it's just that- He pauses, then he makes an expression of pain- Shit...- he says complaining and falling to the ground. He was dressed in a long dark coat and a white shirt, and I noticed the blood that was appearing on his shirt. What happened to him? Was he all this time like this?

I approach him and he stops me with his hand- There's no need... I'm fine- He says while trying to stand up.

-Don't be an idiot, you're bleeding, let me help you- I took his arms and wrapped it around my neck so he could lean on me.

He raises his head, looking at me.- What?... don't stare at me like I'm going to hit you. Just let's go- I said as we proceeded.

-Great, I don't know your place, where is it?- I looked at him and saw that he was in a lot of pain.

-My... My residence is on the other side of the bridge. Perhaps we can make it...- He says with pain.

-Are you mad?. It's just too far away. By the way, can you tell me what happened to you?- I asked as we walked.

He didn't want to show that he was in a hard time- Umm... deep wound. Probably my stitches came out. 

-We'll need to treat your wound as soon as we get there, which won't be long. For now, just keep pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding- I told him.

-What do you think I'm doing?- he says, seriously.

The road was peaceful. I'm not sure how he acquired that wound. Even though I couldn't see it, it was pretty obvious that the wound was serious because of the amount of blood on his shirt .- Where the hell are we?- he asks as we make our way up the little front stairs of my house.

-Where else did you expect? This is my house, just don't make such a racket.- I said.

It was late. When we entered the house, it was completely dark.

Apparently no one was there. Probably Rue went to bed. My aunt Nova was working at the palace as a maid and housekeeper. Sometimes she stays up all night since most of the time she finishes late.

-Don't worry, no one is at home except for my maid, but she is resting now-

Another viewpoint...

At Grilitgham Enchanters Palace...

-Princess Daisy, the queen will like to speak with you after you have dressed properly. She says it's important-

Princess Daisy sighs- Alright, thank you Nova for letting me know.- She says as she combs her curly, brown short hair.

-You know my princess. I've noticed you've been a little melancholy these last few days, would you mind telling me the reason?- Nova asks, while folding the garments and arranging them properly in Princess Daisy's enormous closet.

-It's my mother. We've been arguing a lot lately. And I don't know what to do, Nova. I'm losing my mind. - She says, frustrated and depressed. 

-She's your mother, you know. She acts in the best interests of her daughter. You must express your feelings and tell her what you're interested in - Nova says.

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