Testing 1, 2 Testing

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This is one of my official books. I just wanna see if anyone has read or heard of this book and if you recognize this book thinking it's different, hello old friend. If you have the original please tell me. I would like it back please. 

This will be the first half of chapter one please comment if you have anything to say if I get no many reply's I will probably delete this story.

Chapter 1 -The Beginning Of The End-

"Guy's nooooo!" The ¿hero? ¿villain? shrill could be heard for miles even those in the bunkers could hear it fearing she was dead.

"Brother look, I finally did it!" The small white haired girl exclaimed with joy.

Her brother looked over at what she had made; it was a wonky flower crown. There were barely any flowers on it and the wire was chipped and barely holding on. He looked at his sister proudly smiling at him. He gave a small smile back and nodded. He was known for not saying very many words but his sister on the other hand was happy and very talkative. She loved watching all the soldiers at the base train and practice because she thought it was funny when they fell. They sat under their tree for a few more minutes before heading off to the practice area.

At the practice area one the biggest and strong looking men fell. Usually most people laughed when someone fell but no one dared to make a sound. Except for his sister she was laughing so hard she was on the ground. The giant man stood up and walked towards them. The smaller white hair boy was scared this was the first time someone was going to say something to his sister. He tapped the shoulder, helping her up and hiding behind her. He was not as brave as his sister. She was always known as the stronger and more powerful one but not the smartest.

The large man looked her right in the eyes and said, "What the hell do you think you're laughing at?"

The smaller boy's eyes opened wide knowing that was a huge mistake never to call his sister a "little girl" but all she did was laugh some more he knew the large man was going to get his ass beat. The big man raised an eyebrow at her.

"I am laughing because my father's best man just fell on his ass on the easiest part of the course!" She was trying to speak through her laughter.

The large man's face slowly turned into a face of fear; he backed up and ran off.

"I'm surprised he didn't know who we were when he saw our hair." The smaller boy spoke while walking off with his sister.

Sorry not sorry for the clif hanger lol see ya next time also i will be making a schedule for posting on wattpad

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