Prologue - Promising Death

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Vir tightened his grip on his weapon, a mace with an elongated blade at the top that resembled a spear and lunged forward towards the vile creatures that thirsted for the last remnants of humanity. The sickening crunch of bones being crushed, and the wet squelch of flesh being pierced reverberated through the air as he engaged in a deadly dance, each strike, dodge, and parry bringing him closer to victory.

The creatures, their shadowy forms morphing into fanged beasts, clawed monstrosities, and hulking abominations, desperately tried to overcome Vir's unyielding resistance. But their efforts were in vain. Their blood stained the earth, their limbs scattered in disarray, and their death growls filled the air.

Realizing they were no match for him, the fiends attempted to bypass Vir, their malicious eyes fixed on the defenseless crowd nearby. With a thunderous crash, Vir drove his weapon into the ground, causing the earth to crumble beneath their feet. The creatures stumbled and fell into the gaping crevices, their advance halted, their existence swallowed by the hungry abyss.

In the distance, a group of teenagers watched in awe, their eyes filled with hope and admiration for the warrior standing tall against the encroaching darkness. They knew that as long as Vir fought, there was a glimmer of hope for humanity. And just as Vir was about to deliver the final blow to the shadows that had brought them to the brink of extinction, a blinding light erupted around him, taking the shape of unknown symbols that began to circle his form.

Without warning, his consciousness started to fade. The light forced him to his knees, diminishing his imposing stature, reducing him to the same height as a child. With each passing moment, a mysterious force tugged at his very soul, draining his strength and stripping away his heroic posture. He knew his time was limited. Unable to move his whole body, he turned his head to gaze at the kids he had sworn to protect. Despite the weariness in his eyes, he summoned a gentle smile and spoke to them:

"Kids, looks like I might be going on a small trip. Don't worry, we'll be able to see each other again. I'm sure of it. Until then, be patient, stay strong. We will see each other again, I promise."

His words were a balm to their anxious hearts, yet they longed for more. Each child took turns approaching him, tears glistening in their eyes. Vir spoke to them individually, sharing words of encouragement and personal messages.

Their grief was overwhelming, anxiety stripping away their rational thoughts. They knew deep in their hearts that this was a farewell. As the bright light faded and disappeared, it took their revered hero with it. The great warrior who had single-handedly fought back the encroaching darkness, almost eradicating it, had left them with his final words.

Left without their beacon of hope, their hearts mourned, but they couldn't afford the luxury of grief. The Encroaching Darkness had, through sheer luck, survived Vir's onslaught. Humanity now relied on the courage hidden within their hearts to face an enemy they had no hope of defeating.


When the light faded, Vir found himself in an unfamiliar and poorly lit great hall. In the center, Vir's attention was drawn to a large symbol drawn on the ground. Intricate and mysterious, its lines and curves gave off a faint ethereal glow. Radiating an aura of ancient power that he couldn't understand. Silence hung heavy in the air as he continued to survey his surroundings.

Over a hundred lifeless bodies were scattered throughout the hall. Their hands adorned with books and their bodies stained with blood. A symbol etched into their foreheads, which unlike their plain garment, looked to be quite intricate, bearing a clear relation to the drawing on the ground.

Nine individuals, dressed in blue and white uniforms with accents of red, cautiously observed from a safe distance. Five of them appeared to be heavily armored knights, their metal-clad bodies gleaming in the dim light. Another figure, much younger than Vir, was a man with jet-black hair and lightweight garments that distinguished him from the rest.

A woman, dressed similarly to the young man, stood apart from the others. Her features resembled the young soldier, and her gaze was fixated on the recently appeared Vir.

Lastly, atop an elevated platform, separated by a flight of stairs, were two more individuals. One stood tall and confident, wearing simple clothing. His eyes scanned the surroundings, assessing the situation with a calculating gaze. His presence commanded attention, hinting at hidden depths beneath his unassuming appearance.

Next to him, a figure sat upon an elaborate chair, radiating an aura of authority and pride. With his face resting on his closed right hand and one leg crossed, he exuded an air of serene confidence. The small jewel centered on his chest caught the light, amplifying his imposing presence.

Out of all the individuals present, all who were nameless, at least from Vir's perspective, the one to break the silence and speak was the man with the imposing presence.

Briefly Vir's attention was directed at the voice. Despite his initial assumption, Vir couldn't pick up any malice in his voice. The language the man spoke was unknown. Unable to understand the contents of his speech, Vir opted into surveying his surroundings even further.

It had become clear to him that he had been forcefully transported to a different location. Peering through an opening in the stone wall, he caught sight of the distant sun, defying his logic by emitting a faint blue glow, confirming his suspicions.

He was most likely in a different world. He had heard stories of individuals peering into unknown dimensions when they spent too much time in the Encroaching Darkness. Never believed those stories until now.

He was alive, that he could be sure of. But if he was here, away from those he cared for, then that meant. They were left alone.

A surge of emotions reverberated through him. What he has fought for so long was now beyond his reach. The lives he cared for, soon to perish.

Asking himself a flurry of questions, he looked up. There was no way he could answer every question that came to his mind. His eyes locked onto the embodiment of pride that sat before him.

Realizing the reason this set of events were brought into fruition were due to the actions of the man calmly resting, a surge of determination and fury swelled within Vir. With his voice echoing through the great hall, he made his declaration:

"I'll kill you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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