Unrequited Hearts

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Chapter 1: The Fateful Meeting

In a picturesque town called Everwood, Thaizon, a kind-hearted and sensitive young man, encounters Susiki, a vivacious and carefree girl, during a local festival. Captivated by her radiant smile and infectious laughter, Thaizon finds himself drawn to Susiki like a moth to a flame.

Chapter 2: The Blossoming Affection

As days pass, Thaizon's admiration for Susiki deepens into something more profound. He starts to notice the little details that make her unique and fascinating. Thaizon can't help but fall for her infectious charm, and he daydreams about their future together.

Chapter 3: The Courageous Confession

Summoning his courage, Thaizon decides to express his feelings to Susiki, hoping she might share the same affection. With a pounding heart, he confesses his love, pouring his heart out in a heartfelt letter. However, when Susiki reads the letter, she kindly but honestly reveals that she sees Thaizon only as a friend.

Chapter 4: The Painful Rejection

Thaizon's heart shatters into pieces upon hearing Susiki's response. Despite the rejection, he tries to remain positive and respectful. Determined not to let their friendship fade away, he convinces himself that time will heal his heart, and they can still be friends.

Chapter 5: The One-Sided Effort

As Thaizon continues to cherish their friendship, he often goes out of his way to make Susiki smile, even though she remains oblivious to his lingering feelings. Thaizon secretly hopes that his efforts might eventually change her mind.

Chapter 6: The Heartache

Thaizon finds it increasingly challenging to watch Susiki's life flourish while his heartache persists. He wrestles with his emotions, torn between wanting to move on and not wanting to lose her from his life completely.

Chapter 7: The Distance Grows

As time passes, Susiki's interests and focus shift to new friends and activities, creating an emotional distance between her and Thaizon. The once vibrant friendship starts to fade, leaving Thaizon feeling more isolated than ever.

Chapter 8: The Path of Healing

Accepting that Susiki may never reciprocate his feelings, Thaizon begins to find solace in new hobbies and activities. He immerses himself in his passions and seeks support from friends who understand his pain.

Chapter 9: The Turning Point

One day, a chance encounter with an old friend from his childhood brings back memories of simpler times. Thaizon realizes that he must embrace his own journey and find happiness beyond his one-sided affection.

Chapter 10: The New Beginning

With newfound strength, Thaizon lets go of his unrequited love for Susiki. He finds joy in being true to himself and discovers that life has so much more to offer than just romantic love. As he begins to move forward, he cherishes the memories of his time with Susiki, grateful for the lessons learned

Years pass, and Thaizon's heart finally heals. He becomes a more confident and self-assured individual. Susiki, too, moves on with her life, remembering the sweet friendship she once shared with Thaizon.

Though they go their separate ways, their paths cross again in Everwood during a community event. A smile and a warm greeting are exchanged, acknowledging the bond they once had. Thaizon reflects on his journey and finds comfort in knowing that he will always carry a special place for Susiki in his heart, grateful for the love he experienced and the lessons that came with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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