Chapter 1: Paths to cross

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In the bustling halls of Takagi High School, two students stood out among the crowd - Obanai and Tanjiro. Both unique individuals, they attracted attention with their exceptional qualities, but their paths had yet to cross until their sophomore year.

Obanai, a reserved and mysterious figure, often found solace in the school's library, engrossed in his studies and books on demon legends. Tanjiro, on the other hand, was known for his friendly and outgoing nature, always eager to lend a helping hand to anyone in need.

One fateful day, they found themselves assigned as partners for a group project in their history class. Intrigued by their stark differences, fate seemed to have a plan for them.

Initially, Obanai remained distant, his aloof demeanor masking his curiosity about Tanjiro. Tanjiro, unfazed by Obanai's reserved nature, struck up conversations effortlessly, slowly chipping away at the walls Obanai had built around him.

As they spent more time together, a quiet friendship blossomed. Obanai began to open up, sharing stories of his family's lineage as demon slayers, and Tanjiro eagerly listened, fascinated by the tales of courage and sacrifice.

One day, during a lunch break, Tanjiro noticed Obanai studying alone in the courtyard, looking pensive and lost in thought. Approaching him, Tanjiro offered his company, sitting beside Obanai without a word. In that silence, a shared understanding grew, a connection that surpassed words.

Months passed, and their friendship evolved into something deeper. They found solace and strength in each other's presence, facing the pressures and challenges of high school together. Obanai's reserved nature gradually melted away, revealing a vulnerable side that only Tanjiro could bring out.

It was during Takagi High School's annual cultural festival that their relationship took a significant turn. Performing arts was a major highlight of the festival, and Obanai surprised everyone by auditioning for the lead role. He wanted to prove to himself and Tanjiro that he was capable of overcoming his insecurities.

As the night of the performance arrived, the audience filled with anticipation. Obanai took the stage, radiating a newfound confidence. The spotlight highlighted his every move, every emotion, as he delivered a heartfelt monologue about overcoming one's fears.

In the front row, Tanjiro watched, his admiration for Obanai shining in his eyes. When the performance concluded, the room erupted in applause, but it was Tanjiro who rose to his feet first, clapping with tears of pride and joy.

After the final encore, Obanai descended from the stage, strolling towards Tanjiro, their eyes locked in a profound understanding. In that moment, surrounded by the vibrant energy of the cultural festival, they shared their first kiss, a tender collision of emotions and shared vulnerability.

From that day forward, Obanai and Tanjiro became inseparable, facing the challenges of high school with unwavering support and love. Through the ups and downs of teenage life, their bond grew stronger, making their shared journey through Takagi High School an unforgettable chapter in their lives.

Filled with love, friendship, and the indomitable spirit to overcome any obstacle, Obanai and Tanjiro's high school story became a symbol of hope for everyone around them, proving that, in the midst of chaos, love and understanding can flourish, creating a sense of belonging and acceptance that lasts a lifetime.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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