chapter 1

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BEEP BEEP BEEP, I woke up to the sound of my really annoying alarm clock going off beside my bed. I lay there for about five more mineuts before I get out of bed to get ready to go to the hell hole also known as school.

I settle on wearing black skinny jeans and a plain navy blue shirt with my white TOMs. When I'm done getting dressed I walk into my bathroom and brush my teeth I also straighten my hair. Once my hair is straightened o move onto my makeup. I apply a very thin layer of eye liner and mascara and I also put on some clear vinella lop gloss. Once in done with that I put some makeup on my cuts on my wrists. Yes I do cut I started cutting in year 8 after my mom died in a car accident.

I grabbed my school bag that was by my bedroom door and ran down the stairs in an attempt to miss my dad seeing me. My dad abuses me. He blames me for my moms death because I'm the one that asked her to go to the store for Tylenol becuase I had a major headache. As soon as I am down stairs I don't see my dad anywhere. I sigh in relief as a make a run for the door. Just my luck while I was trying to get to the door I knocked over the vase we had on our side table by the couch.

MARY WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!!!!! My dad screamed from the kitchen.

"I knocked over the vase I'm so sorry" I whispered hoping he didn't hear me.

I started walking to the door again right as my father inters the doorway he looked really pissed may I say.

He walked over to me and grabbed me by my arm and pulled me over to where the broken vase was.

"Clean it up now" he slurred and his breath smelling of alcohol.

I did as said so I wouldn't get hit again. As soon as I was done I had to walk the 15 min. walk to school cuz I missed my bus.

As I'm walking I put my headphones in and hit shuffle on my phone taking my time getting to school. When I finally get to school I already missed half of my first period class. So I head to my locker to get my English book.(English is her first period) I take my time walking to class though because I have that class with two of my bullies Zayn and Louis.

Once I get to class there is only about 15-20 mins. left. I try to walk to the back of the room unnoticed but of course Louis had to say something.

"Mr.Hake Mary is late" Louis said odviously amused by the idea of me getting in trouble.

I stopped and glared at him for a few seconds before walking the rest of the way to my desk. Mr.Hake turned around with an annoyed expression.

"Is there a good explanation as to why you are so late miss West" he said.

"No sir" I whisper.

He just rolled his eyes and went back to writing things on the board. Zayn turned around and threw a piece of crumbled paper at me. Me being stupid and opening it when the teacher was looking I was caught while I was reading it.

" miss West come to the front of the room please and read the note" Mr.Hake said. I slowly made my way to the front of the room and began to read the note out loud.

" Your fat and ugly and should go die already" I read as a single tear left my right eye.

Mr. Hake looked at me sympathetically as I walked to my seat. Everyone was still laughing until the teacher told them to be quiet or he was gonna start giving people detentions.

After what seems like hours the bell finally rang. I quickly made my way to my locker to swap my English book for my math book. I was also in a burry because I was trying to avoid my bullies.

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