Chapter 1: I am Who?

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Y/n's pov

The rain fell at a steady rhythm, each drop, a reminder of the tears that had fallen from my eyes

I stood alone in the empty park, surrounded by the memories of happier times

As i walked through the park, i couldn't help but think about how different everything were now

The playground, where I had spent countless hours with her

The swings swaying in the wind as if in sorrow

The trees that had once been full of life, were now bare and lifeless, their branches reaching out like thin fingers, I felt as though i was walking through a graveyard, surrounded by reminders of what I had lost

I took a deep breath in and tried to push the thoughts from my mind but they lingered like a dark cloud overhead

I wondered how i would ever be able to move on from this

How i would ever be able to find happiness again

I walked, feeling a weight lifting from my shoulders, the sadness slowly disappearing

I realized that although things would never be the same, I could still find joy in the memories and the moments we had shared, smiling through my tears, grateful for the time together and for the strength to carry on....

*phone rings*

"Y/n?, where are you", a voice says on the other side of my phone, worryingly

"Grandma, I'll be home soon, I'm heading to the coffee shop real quick", I say, forcing out a happy tone, "Please don't worry too much, eat and get some rest while I'm gone, mhm?"

Ending the call, I slowly stroll my way there

Stepping in, I close my eyes as the warm cozy air hits my skin, feeling relaxed and comfortable, the atmosphere calms me. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods trailing its way to my nose

Opening my big brown doe like eyes, I stare ahead of me. Blinking as a light smile formed on my lips, "Nothing's changed", I whisper to myself

Making my way to the barista, I look up meeting his gaze, it felt as if time has stopped, taking in his facial features, i fell in awe

The glare he had left me somewhat speechless

My eyes trailed from his long dark hair, well defined nose to his plumped pink lips. Staring for a while forgetting what I came here for, I meet his gaze once more.

I could feel my cheeks burn as my breath hitched

Clearing my throat, I feel the embarrassment rush through my entire body. I quickly gawk my eyes at the menu as I bite down onto my bottom lip

"I'll have an iced coffee, please", I say, still looking down at the menu. Peeking up, I see him staring at me, he then grinned shifting his focus

"That'll be $2.75", he says, returning his mysterious stare back to me

Those eyes.....

Handing him the money, I look around the café, refusing to make any eye contact with him, "It'll be ready soon, have a seat". Still staring in my direction, he gestured me towards an open table, smiling, before heading on over to take the next order

I soon sat down at one of the tables, taking out my phone as I scroll through our pictures together

"I miss you so much", I say, loud enough for only me to hear

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